"This café is cute." Marinette looks around the small café that was decorated with everything and anything that appeared antique. The tables, the chairs and even old wall decorations were quaint and old.
"This place is ran by the same people who own the antique shop next door." Damian followed her line of sight as she looked around.
"Is the food any good?" She asked.
"I think it is." They both looked at the menu. "What looks good to you?"
"I don't know. What do you usually get?"
"They make a good mushroom ravioli that I get sometimes."
"Then I'll try that." Marinette waves down a waiter.
"Are you two ready to order?" The waiter looked expectantly at the two.
"Yes. I'll have the mushroom ravioli." She smiled to the waiter.
"Anything to drink?"
"Water is fine."
"And for you?" The waiter turns to Damian.
"I'll have the same." Damian never takes his eyes off of Marinette.
"Okay." The waiter takes the menus from them. "I'll put that order in right away."
"You are right again, Damian." The bluenette smiles across the table at him. "This really is good.""I would never lie to you, Angel." Damian answers. He was just about to take a bite of his own food when he catches sight of something colorful in his peripherals. He looks over to the front door to see both Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy walk in like they were looking for something.
"Are ya sure, Red?" Harley looks around the shop for a moment.
"I'm positive. Look at the plants by the door. They are positively thriving."
Marinette sees Damian staring at something behind her and she turns around to look. "Isn't that Harley and Ivy?" She looks back to her boyfriend.
"Yes." He narrows his eyes at them.
"I don't see anythin' funky 'round here though, babe." Harley begins to walk further into the café.
"Whatever it is, it's in here. The plants can feel it. I can feel it." She too begins to walk further into the shop. "It's getting stronger."
"What are they talking about?" Marinette whispers.
"I don't know." He quickly answers. "Something about Ivy and her plants."
"Can ya pinpoint exactly what it is? I'm getting' hungry and this food is looking mighty tasty." Harley looks over at the couple's food. "Whatcha eatin'? It smells good whateva it is."
"Mushroom ravioli." Marinette looks up to the colorful blonde and smiles.
"Oh, well aren't you as cute as a button." Harley grins at the young girl before looking at her date. "And your hangin' out with a Wayne." She waves to the boy.
"It's her." Ivy looks at Marinette with wide eyes.
"What?" All three of them look a little confused at the red head.
"She's what's making my babies happy."
"Perfect!" Harley says excitedly as she pulls up a chair to sit at the couples table. "Boy have we been looking everywhere for ya, little lady."
"You were looking for me?" Marinette pointed to herself. "Why?"
"Yes." Damian gave the two women a mean look. "Why?"
"It's nothin' bad, I promise." Harley held her hands up in surrender. "Red here just felt somethin' strange goin' on with her plants is all."
"Strange how?" The bluenette looked even more confused. "And what does this have to do with me?"
"You're healing them." Ivy pulled up her own chair. "It's like you are creating life when the plants were almost dead. They love you." She smiled over at the girl. "Please, tell me your name sweetheart."
"I'm Marinette." Her confusion still didn't fade.
"Well, my sweet Marigold, what brought you to Gotham?"
"I won the Thomas and Martha Wayne Scholarship and brought my class to Gotham to tour its schools and landmarks." She looked over at Damian who seemed to be just as confused, if not a little angry.
"A scholarship, huh? Will you be goin' to GU after the summer?" Harley put her elbows on the table and rested her chin in her hands while she looked fondly at the girl.
"Yes." She nodded.
"How excitin'! I remember my college days."
"Is there something that you two want?" Damian looked deliberately at the two.
"Do we want somethin', Red?" Harley looked over to her partner.
"Would you be willing to come with us sometime?" Ivy asked.
"No." Damian sounded a bit mad.
"Damian." Marinette shook her head at him. "You don't even know exactly what they want." She turns her attention to Ivy. "Why would you want me to come with you?"
"I want you to save some dying plants that are almost extinct here in Gotham. I don't know how you do it, but all the plants that are around you seem to heal and bloom brighter. It's like you are their personal bit of sunshine."
"You aren't trying to revive some crazy poisonous plant, are you?" Damian looks skeptically at her.
"No, Damian Wayne." The red head looks at the young teen. "Why do you care so much about what I want with Marigold anyways?"
"Because she is my girlfriend." Damian channeled his inner Batman to sound as serious as possible.
"Awe! Red, how cute." Harley smiled at the two before suddenly frowning. "We totally crashed a date. Kinda rude of us." She looked apologetically at the two.
"No, it's okay." Marinette patted Harley's hand in comfort. "I would be happy to help the plants in whatever way I can."
"Thank you, my little Marigold." Ivy pulls out her phone and begins typing on it. "Here. Put your number in."
"Okay." The bluenette types in her number and hands the phone back.
"We can set this all up later." Ivy sends a quick message for confirmation then turns to the billionaire. "Damian, you can come too if it will make you feel any better. We will leave you to your date." The two stand up.
"Can we get some to go food before we leave?" Harley asks as they walk away.
"Sure, Harls."
"You shouldn't trust them." Damian looks back to his girlfriend.
"I don't know. Something tells me they may have changed for the better. When was the last time they got into any trouble?"
"It's been a few months."
"See? I think we should help them." Marinette takes another bite of her food.
"We should talk to father about this before we do and see if you can actually heal plants."
"I probably do." Marinette shrugs. "I don't think I have ever killed a plant since well, you know... Tikki probably has answers. We can have a bit of a family meeting once we get home." She smiles brightly at her boyfriend.
"Okay." He sighs before smiling back. "Let's finish this date first."

She's Sunshine, She's Grace, She'll Punch You in the Face
FanfictionMarinette struggles to stay happy nowadays, but what better way to change your mood than with a change of location? Adrien gave up his miraculous so he could start fresh. After all, his dad was in prison for being the super villain Hawkmoth and his...