Chapter 117: Speechless

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"Master Damian." Alfred looks to the teen who had picked up his suit jacket. The look was almost complete and the only thing missing was the tie that he was searching for under his jacket. The only problem was that it wasn't there. Alfred knew he wouldn't find it. "Miss Marinette is calling for you."

"Okay." Damian nods as he looks around the room. "Have you seen my tie, Alfred?"

"I'm afraid I have not, Master Damian." He smiles. "I would be happy to look for it while you go speak to the young Miss."

"Thank you, Alfred." Damian says before leaving the room.

Damian made his way over to Marinette's room and knocked just in case. "Can I come in?" He called through the door.

"Yep. Come in." Marinette said cheerfully.

Damian opened the door and expected to see Marinette but instead, Titus greeted him at the door. That wasn't the oddest thing though. What was really odd was the bright red bowtie the dog proudly wore.

"Angel?" He asked as he felt the fabric around the dog's neck.

"Yes?" She asked as she stepped out of the bathroom.

Damian almost wanted to cry at her beauty. The striking red sequin dress looked like something right out of a fairytale and he had to admit that the dress hugged her body in just the right way. Her hair was in such a beautiful and intricate updo that framed her face perfectly and the neutral tones in her makeup made her bluebell eyes pop even more.

A million thoughts ran through Damian's head at once. 'Was this real?' 'What did I do to deserve her?' 'Why is she looking at me like I'm the best-looking person in the room?' 'How am I supposed to control myself all evening?' Damian hadn't even realized that he was just standing there gawking at her.

Marinette giggles, breaking his chain of thought. "Do you like it?"

"Like it? No. I love it." He says breathlessly. "You look..." Damian was trying to find the right word to describe her but every word fell flat in his mind. "There isn't a strong enough word to describe you. Beautiful or stunning or dazzling or breath taking... None of them are good enough words." Marinette's blush seemed to really complete the look in Damian's mind.

"Well you are looking rather sharp yourself, Damian." She smiles at him. "But you seem to be missing something."

"Oh, right." Damian looked down at where his tie should be but only for a second. "I was looking for the tie when you called me over here."

"That's okay." She stepped up to him.

It was only then that he realized that Marinette was holding her hands behind her back suspiciously.

"I think it's time for your gift anyways." She holds out a red sequin tie that matches her dress perfectly and quickly begins to tie it for him.

"Is this what you meant when you said your gift needed some timing." He smiled down at her as she worked with the tie to straighten it.

"Yep." Marinette stepped back to admire her work. "Didn't you see Titus when you walked in?" She asked.

"Oh, right." He looked back at the dog wearing the red sequin bowtie.

"I think you both look handsome." Marinette giggled. "Why don't you put you suit jacket on?" She asked.

Damian had completely forgotten that he was still holding his jacket until she mentioned it but he quickly put it on for her.

"You look amazing." She smiled as she stepped up to him and straightened out his jacket. "If the girls didn't have a crush on you before, they sure are now."

"Nobody will be looking at me when you're around." Damian shook his head. "The girls will be envious."

"So, you really like the dress?" She smiled sweetly up at him.

"It's a beautiful dress, Angel. Red is a stunning color on you." Damian gently grabs her hand.

"Hey, guys." Jon spoke up from the open doorway. "Alfred told me to..." Jon went quiet after catching a glimpse of the bluenette.

"Alfred told you to what?" Damian stepped in front of his girlfriend and gave Jon a dirty look.

"He... told me to gather you two up." He smiled nervously at Damian. "We are leaving soon. You two look great by the way. Very matchy matchy."

"Thanks." Marinette stepped beside Damian and grabbed his hand. "I made the dress and the tie myself. And I made Titus's too." She points to the dog."

Jon looks over at the dog for a second. "That's awesome. You're really talented Marinette."

"Thanks." She giggles before pulling Damian out of the room. "So, how do you feel about being dragged to a charity Gala?" Marinette asked as they walked down the hall.

"The ones I've been to are usually pretty boring. It's a lot of media, which are people like my parents, and a lot of rich people, like Bruce. Only my Dad and Bruce are a whole lot more interesting than all the others."

"Well this one should be a little bit more exciting than the previous ones." Damian said. "It's always like that when my family has some big announcement."

"You guy are going public?" Jon grins.

"Well, more public." Marinette laughs. "I swear that most of Gotham already knows."

"There you are." Bruce says at the bottom of the stairs where everyone else is already at and already dressed up with the exception of Kori. "You look great Marinette. The dress turned out beautifully."

"Thanks, Bruce." She smiled as she made her way down the stairs. "Are we ready to go?"

"You bet, Cupcake." Dick nods. "Kori was right about that dress. You do literally sparkle."

Alfred quickly clears his throat to get everyone's attention. "We must be leaving if we want to make it on time." He says as he opens up the front door and down to the limo to hold the door open for everyone.

"Alfred is nothing if not punctual." Barbara smiled before looking up at Tim. "Are you sure you are okay with helping me out today?"

"I don't mind, Babs." Tim says. "It will give me an excuse to not talk to people." He jokes.

"Oh, well then maybe I should ask Jason instead if you are using me as an excuse." She jokes right back.

"You would really rather hang out with Jason?" Tim smirks.

"Hmm..." Barbara pretends to think. "No, I guess not."

"I'm feeling personally attacked right now." Jason shakes his head as he ducks into the limo.

"Good. Then it's working." Tim laughs as he scoops Barbara out of her chair and helps her into the limo.

"We better not have any fighting amongst each other." Bruce shook his head.

Soon enough, everyone was settled into their seat in the limo and Alfred drove out of the manor gates towards the Gala as Kori waved goodbye to them all.

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