Chapter 95: Returning the Favor

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"So how was the women's shelter with Ivy and Harley?" Bruce asked Selina while everyone was having dinner.

"Those ladies are doing great things over there. Although Harley was way too excited about some selfie Marinette sent her." Selina grinned at the bluenette. "You really made her day."

"You send selfies to Harley Quinn?" Gar asked.

"Well no. Only one selfie actually." She smiled. "I took inspiration from her today you know. I actually like my hair like this. I just thought I would show it to her."

"It is very adorable." Kori nodded with enthusiasm.

"So," Selina looked over to her fiancé. "Anything new with work?"

"Nothing too interesting." Bruce spoke up between bites of food.

"Speak for yourself." Dick chuckled. "There was quite a bit of gossip over that tweet I sent yesterday. Tim couldn't catch a break."

"Yeah, thanks for that." Tim gave Damian the side eye. "Today's board meeting was filled with nothing but stifled giggles and people trying their hardest to look at me with a straight face."

"You have no one to blame but yourself." Damian shrugged.

"That picture was hilarious though." Raven nodded. "Oh, by the way Tim." She spoke up like she had just thought of something. "Jason tells me that you have that video of Marinette beating Scarecrow. I'd love to see it."

"Oh! Me too!" Gar says with excitement. "I never liked that Scarecrow guy."

"It's really not that exciting." Marinette shrugged. "It's just a lot of me screaming in French and punching him in the face."

"Yeah, and that sounds awesome." Gar nodded enthusiastically.

"Plus, you are completely undermining the whole set up before you tackled him through a window." Jason added.

"Savage!" Gar smiled even brighter at the bluenette. "Maybe it's not so weird that Damian likes you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Damian glared at the green boy.

"Nothing. Nothing." Gar put his hands up in surrender. "It's just that you have more in common then I originally thought. When they describe it, it sounds more like something you would do and not the so called 'Sunshine of Gotham'."

"No." Damian shook his head. "She did it with far more grace than I would have. The fear toxin tends to make people sloppy. Not Angel though."

"Are you kidding?" Marinette shook her head. "I was sloppy. I never would have smashed through the window otherwise. I try my hardest to leave no destruction behind."

"Very typical for the true miraculous holder of creation." Tikki piped up.

"So, can we see the video or not?" Gar asked.

Tim just looked over at Bruce for confirmation and when the billionaire nodded in acceptance, Tim tapped on his phone for a moment before turning it over to Raven and Gar.

The video starts with Scarecrow taking everyone in the cafeteria hostage and ends when Nightwing and Red Hood administer the antidote to Marinette. All in all, the video was only about five minutes long. Raven seemed to only have very minimal reactions to it all while Gar was overly animated with his every reaction.

Marinette just continued to eat and tried her hardest to ignore her past self screaming at Scarecrow through the video.

"Now my French isn't very good, but weren't you screaming about a dead black cat?" Raven asked.

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