♪ ♪ 𝖢𝖧𝖠𝖯𝖳𝖤𝖱❤𝖥♥𝖴𝖱 ♪ ♪

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Amy had Shaundre dressed in a light blue onesie, the tiny hoglet had woken up earlier than Sonic normally would when he had School, the two grown women didn't feed him yet they only changed him and bathed him. His eyes had finally opened to reveal a pair of golden yellow eyes. His vision was just blurry like normal new born baby. Rouge was shaking a little chao toy that rattles at Shaundre who was squeaking and purring the toy distracted him from the flash of the camera.

There was a yawn coming from upstairs, Sonic could hear his moms giggling and making weird noises, the fifteen year old had his quills brushed along with his teeth. "W-Whats g-going on?" He stuttered.

"Good morning Honey...we were just watching over Shadic while you slept in" Rouge said as she turned her attention to Sonic.

"He's just to adorable to not take pictures of..." Amy admits as she held her camera. "And it's makes up for those hoglet photos of you..."

Sonic only scratches his head, he didn't really follow, but Shaundre started whimpering and squirming in his seat...he was a little to tiny for the high chair...so he was sitting in the baby carrier. Sonic reaches his arms out to pick up Shaundre the hoglet started purring recognizing Sonic's scent.

"Are you okay Hon? I heard you crying last night?" Rouge asked as she walking to the kitchen to lean on the counter.

Amy pinned her ears down as she pulled out a frying pan. "If your getting those night nightmares again...please tell us Sonic"

Sonic sat down on the stool after feeding Shaundre he placed the purring new born back into the baby carrier. "N-No...j-just a painful memory..." he admits. "I-I j-just wish...I wasn't so d-dumb..."

"Sonic...you aren't dumb...you just didn't have an understanding of your situation" Amy said as she started to cook.

Sonic only looks down, he honestly didn't remember the last time he felt happy...probably when he got adopted, since then he's eyes just got duller over time because of the abuse he went through in school. He was grateful that his Moms cared enough for him to get him a therapist, and now he was anti-depressant. He looked over at the hoglet who was playing with his covered up paws, it did kind of give the blue hedgehog some joy when seeing Shaundre, and his moms, but his heart just felt incomplete.

A plate of blueberry pancakes was placed in front of him, along with the blueberry syrup started to eat his breakfast, his tail wagging at the sweet taste. Shaundre started to make noises of pure curiosity, and enjoyment as he was just frailing his arms. Sonic leans down into the carrier and gives Shaundre a small kiss on his tiny forehead, making the hoglet squeal.

"I'm not g-gonna l-let anything happen to you..." Sonic tells the new born.

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