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Sonic was whimpering, and panting has he was struggling with his heat, he really didn't get much sleep last night cause it happened so fast...the fifteen year old's muzzle a deep shade of red, that traveled up to his tips of his ears. He had completely kicked the bed covers off of him, as well as his pajamas that were scattered onto the floor.

He heard his door open, the sound of something heavy being placed in his room, he looked over to see Rouge plugging in a mini fridge that was filled with fresh water bottles, nine meals for the three days that he was going to be lock in his room for...and a big fan. "If you need anything just call one of us...okay?" Rouge tells Sonic.

"T-Thank y-you..." Sonic breaths out, he heard the door to his room closing and sound of his locking. He remembered the first time he got his heat cycle...what when he was six...at the time he didn't know what was going on...but his moms told him that he was sick, as he got order they started to tell him what was going on with his body. Then Shadow had to ruin it.

Amy let out a small sigh, as she took Shaundre with her, to the diner, the hoglet was a little confused as to where his Mom was...but soon forgot about his concerns when he saw the employee walked into the diner ready to get work, along with Blaze and Tikal.

"Morning Mrs. Rose, and Lady Rose!" Tikal greeted the two lesbians, of course to make it easier on the employees, Amy had her employees call her Mrs. Rose and her wife Lady Rose she knew how confusing it was.

"Where's Sonic?" Blaze asked.

"He's...dealing something that only Herms go through once a month...but since he had this little cutie" Amy said as she tickles Shaundre's stomach making the hoglet giggle and purr. "The Schedule had been changed"

"Oh I see...Well I hope he gets better" Tikal said.

The Tutor adjusted her glasses, as she wasn't really informed of this information, "Well if that is case...than I will leave this booklet of..." she pauses, as if to think of a way to phrase her words as to upset Amy and Rouge. "What we've been going over so far...he is a smart young man, and the notes he took should him complete the pages" she said as she gives Rouge the booklet.

"Thanks...I will call you when this passes" Rouge said.

The Tutor only gave a half smile before turning to leave, she saw Scourge about to open the door and just gave him a disgusted look before continuing down the sidewalk to her car.

Scourge only rolled his eyes, he knew the Tutor was bad news, but it wasn't really his place to say.

"Morning Scourge" Amy greeted, around seven or eight in the morning, was the time that Scourge walked into the diner, he would stay for and out before heading off to school. He only waved before heading up the stairs...Amy didn't stop him...after all she knew Scourge wouldn't Sonic, in the way that Shadow did.

When Scourge opened the door to the apartment, he made his upstairs to Sonic's bedroom door, where that sweet smell was coming front, it was strong the closer his got to the door. He knocked on the door.

"Hah...W-Who is it?..."

The voice on the end, sound feminine...but it was Sonic's voice none of the less.

"It's me Sonic, are you okay?" Scourge waited for a response. "I'm just assuming your okay...would you like me to come in?"

"C-Can...y-you get a-an the c-cooling pad...I-it should be o-on the couch"

Scourge nodded as he walked over to the couch, he found the pad he quite unplugs it, walking back to Sonic's room he unlocks the door, taking a deep breath and remind himself to control himself, before he walked in.

Sonic was just laying in his bed, with the fan blowing in his face he was laying on his stomach with his face buried into a pillow...besides the beach...this was the first time Scourge got see his boyfriend, he could see just feel his face heat up, deep curves, wide hips, the thickness in his thighs. He mentally slaps himself, he was better than that Asshole of a Boyfriend.

"Here's the cooling pad" Scourge said as he pulled out the extension cord to plug it in.

Sonic got a whiff of Scourge's scent, and his tail started to wag...it was mostly out his control, this heat was different from when he was with Shadow...it was as if Mother Nature was punishing him, for having a child.

Scourge was about to leave but Sonic grabbed a hold of his arm. "S-Stay...P-Please..." he mutters. The emerald hedgehog only lets out a small sigh. "Sonic...I love you...but you fucking owe me a date...cause you are literally killing my hormones" Scourge thought as he closes the door, he scoots Sonic's over grabbing the cooling pad and placed it on his lap, opening his arms.

Sonic wraps his arms around Scourge, laying on his lap, the azure hedgehog lets out a sigh of relief cause of cold pad on his stomach. "I-I l-love y-you..." he mutters.

"Love you too...I'll leave my jacket, while I'm in school..." Scourge tells Sonic. "P-Please"

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Scourge heard the soft snoring sound, next to him, he looked over to see that Sonic had fallen asleep, hugging a pillow that the cooling pad was up against. He quickly checked himself, and sighs in relief, that he hadn't took advantage of Sonic...when they were together, he gently got out of bed he slips off his jacket and wrapping Sonic in it.

When he walked out of the room he locked the door back, and took his leave, before going to the school he was going to take a shower, not that it mattered...Shadow hadn't shown up to School lately, but that chipmunk was getting on his nerves. He didn't tell Sonic about it...since the hedgehog didn't need a reason to hurt himself cause he wasn't good enough for him...but the chipmunk had started flirting with him, even if her boyfriend was elsewhere.

He waves Rouge and Amy goodbye exiting the diner and heading home.

"If I'm lucky...she back the fuck off" he thought to himself.

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