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Sonic was struggling a lot with being a single parent, since he didn't want his moms to help him cause Shaundre was his responsibility, he did do the best that he can with helping his Mother with getting the Diner ready to open.

Amy had the uniforms ready to be worn, pale pink dresses with white aprons for the female workers, white dress shirt, with black pants.

The diner wasn't completely pink, since she wanted the costumers to enjoy their stay. So it was mixture of pales pinks and white, some cute pictures on the walls. But the diner had a more Rose theme to it. She puts up the help wanted sign on the door.

Rouge opened the door holding a bag of groceries, Amy helps her by opening the back so she can walk into the kitchen of the diner.

"So how getting him to that High School?" Rouge asked as she sets down the groceries on the counter.

"He starts tomorrow...With Shadic...being a new born, I showed him how to use one of those pumps" Amy admits as she helps puts away the groceries. "I had a talk with the principal...and explained everything to her...that Echidna was right about the School being the best in the district"

Amy started to tremble as the corner of her eyes started to water. "Rose?..."

"I-I can't see him hurt like that..." Amy cried out, "It was bad enough when we first met him..."

Rouge wrapped her arms around Amy, "I know...I know...but we did this for him...most teenagers his age don't get the support that he does"

Amy sniffs, "Y-Your right"

"Now come on we can start baking the pastries to put on display" Rouge smiled.

Amy wipes away her tears and nodded.

Sonic had his shirt off, he was getting ready to take a shower since he hadn't took one since two days from now...he looks down at scars that were on his chest, he didn't believe that his body had changed cause of him having a baby...he was still able to do impossible flexes, he saw the bags underneath his eyes, from the lack of sleep over the days.

He couldn't help but to wonder about this new school, he understood the dress code, since the school gave him a uniform, but he was able to customize it, at least he knew how to tie a tie.

"M-Maybe...I'll be a-able too m-make friends" Sonic said to himself.

Sonic sets himself an alarm, from tomorrow morning, slips on a t-shirt, and climbs into his bed. "J-just focus o-on graduating...n-not making friends...you can't get hurt like last time..." he sniffs to himself as he felt tears in his eyes.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

The morning sun shines through the small window of Sonic's room.

Sonic's eyes fluttered open, and felt something small laying across his neck, base on the smell he new it was Shaundre. He started to lift himself up from the bed, after removing the hoglet from his neck, "D-Did I fall asleep feeding you..."

The hoglet started to whimper, but he burst into tears when Sonic's alarm went off, the blue hedgehog  quickly turns the alarm off. "Hey...Hey...It's okay" Sonic tells the hoglet who was calming down to a small whimper.

"Sonic...Oh your awake" Rouge said "Well get dressed I'll be taking you to school this morning"

Sonic nodded as gently picks up Shaundre, he gives the new born a soft kiss on the forehead, "Lets change you and feed you before I go..."

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic walked down the stairs he was still a little tired cause of lack of sleep, he was dressed in a white dress shirt, with a navy blue tie, matching baggy pants that cover his heels though that was because the pants were a bit to big on his on his waist, a black belt, he grabbed his red sneakers and strapped them on.


"W-what...a-am I l-late?" Sonic started to panic,

"N-No you just look so handsome" Amy smiled as she walked up to him and fixes his quills and wiping the bit of toothpaste off of his lips. "Good Luck Sonic, Your Mother will be picking you up after school"

Sonic nodded as he checks his backpack to see that it was already packed with School Supplies, that he was going to need, he is so grateful to have parents like Amy and Rouge...cause he completely got to overwhelmed with Shaundre to pack for school. "Bye Mom" he called out as he walked out the door heading downstairs to the diner that isn't opened yet.

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