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The Principal was sitting at her desk, a list of students in front of her, Silver and Nicole were sitting in chairs in front of her desk. "Are there any more students...I should know of?"

"No Ma'am...Only the ones that we listed..." Silver said.

"Thank you for telling me, I had my suspicions about who started this whole mess...and I understand that you two were scared to speak up to help Mr. Rose" The Principal stated as she folded her hands together, leaning forward to her desk.

"A-are we in t-trouble..." Nicole asked her ears flatten.

"No...Not as much as these individuals will be, and I will be calling their parents for this...but you two are free to go"

Silver smiled and nodded as he got up from his seat, Nicole followed after him, the Principal watched them leave before she followed after them to the Lady at the Front Desk.

"Yes Ma'am, I will also let their teachers know" The Lady smiled as she turned to the intercom, she presses the button.

"Will Shadow The Hedgehog, Sally Acorn, Wave the Swallow, Jet The Hawk, and Storm The Albatross, report to the Principal's Office immediately"

The Principal smiled and walked to her office and sat down behind her desk, and waited patiently.

The students that she had called walked into her office.

"You'd called us Ma'am"

"Indeed I did, and I think you know why I called you here" She said as she leans back in her chair.

Wave swallows the lump in her throat before she spoke "I had nothing to do with it!! It was all them" she snapped pointing at Shadow and Sally.

"You are just as involved as we are!!" Sally growled.

"Stop your bickering...Two students had informed me that you five are the reason for Mr. Rose's unhappiness in this School"

"So it's been going on since Freshman year, and you just now realize how Shitty This school is" Shadow snapped.

"Considering since your Previous Principal got fired, I for one will not TOLERATE this behavior" She snapped back making Shadow flinch. "With that a being said...I will be calling your parents about this"

"YOU CANT DO THAT!!" Sally called out.

"I will let you all know when your parents have arrived" She turns her attention to Wave and Jet "As for you two...since you two vandalized School property, for the rest of the school day...I want you two removed that repulsive graffiti on that Locker"

"Yes Ma'am"

"You are free to go"

The five students walked out of the office.

"This can't be happening...this can't be happening!!" Sally said as her ears were pinned to her head. "I can't let my Mother know about this...She'll ground me for a year!!"

"You think that's worst!! My Dad will give me a lecture about this...then ground me" Jet protested.

"My mom is going to spank me...or worst..." Wave cried out.

Shadow only narrowed his eyes as he looked over, at his younger brother, Silver "That fuck Sissy is so dead when I fucking find him" He growled. The rest of the day didn't go so well with the group of students, after all when they were called to the office by the intercom every student started to whisper amongst themselves, Wave and Jet were stuck scrubbing down the Locker that used to belong to Sonic.

It wasn't long before they were called back to the office, and they saw their parents, with disappointed glares of their faces.

The group of Students were Expelled permanently from the school.

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