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Sonic watched his Mother drive away in her white sports car, before walking into the school, he had an a good memory of where his classes were, as well as the gym.


The blue hedgehog jumped when his names was called and he started slowly panic, before he saw a familiar two tailed fox coming up to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you..." Miles said. Sonic didn't understand why Miles was so fixated with him. They only try to be nice to end up only braking his heart and trust.

"Mind if I walk with you?" Miles asked, Sonic only looked away, his arms were starting to sting cause of deep cuts he did to his arms, cause of his depression, but he couldn't just say no to the fox, since they are class mates. "I-I don't m-mind" Sonic stammers. Miles followed beside Sonic, in silence, but either way he was glad that he could keep someone company, he didn't want to bother Sonic about the scars that were on his neck...since it was his personal business, but at the same time he couldn't help but to feel bad for him. The way Sonic looked...and sounded, it was as if someone hurt him, mentally.

When the two made it to class, both of them handed over their homework before taking their seats, Normally Miles would be hanging out with Marine and Cosmo, but today he wanted to hangout with Sonic before second bell.

When class had ended Sonic let Miles walk with to his next class.

Sonic waved Miles goodbye as he opened the door to the classroom, he handed the homework over the teacher, before taking his seat, he noticed that the emerald hedgehog wasn't at the desk behind him. He felt relieved...he didn't want to deal with the hedgehog at the moment, since his mind was already occupied with gym class which was coming soon.

Scourge had his hands in his jacket pockets, he was walking down the hallway, "Hey Scourge" the emerald hedgehog turned his head in the direction of who called him, he saw a black and white jackal running over to him. "What do you want Zero?"

"Just surprised to see you...you normally skip first period" Zero said.

"Tsk, I just decided to come"

"Right, anyways have you seen the new kid, I mean he looks like such a wimp, Fi, is right about him being an easy target" Zero laughed.

Scourge mentally growled to himself, though he didn't really understand why he was felt sorry for that blue hedgehog, if anything he didn't really give a shit, if he was depressed or broken, it just made the bullying easier. "If I found out that you land a hand on him...I will personally make you regret it"

"Woah...Scourge since when did you care about someone" Zero asked him folding his arms.

Scourge didn't answer Zero as he continued making his way to his class. Zero only stood there dumb founded he only rolled his eyes...this was first that he seen Scourge get all protective over a new student, let alone someone who is so easy to manipulate, and bully.

Scourge opened the door to the classroom, he saw Sonic sitting at his desk, but he just shrugs him off, as he took his seat.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic was the first to the gymnasium, he opened the door and saw the coach's office he made his way to the office.

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