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Scourge opened the door to the school building, considering that he was running late, since he was taking shower...he had to have the limo driver drop him off.


The emerald hedgehog turned his attention to who called his name, he was only met with Sally, who just through her arms around him. "I missed yo-Wait a minute?" She said as she caught the whiff of someone else on the hedgehog, she knew the smell...since it was all over her boyfriend, every time she visit him when she was still friends with Sonic. "Ew!! Why do you have that Freak's scent all over you!" She said pulling away from the male hedgehog.

"Gee Sandy...I don't know, maybe cause he's my boyfriend" Scourge said rolling his eyes as he started walking away from the chipmunk.

Sally only huffs as she followed after him. "I bet he's not even a good kisser...or even good at giving head!" She called out.

Scourge only shook his head, he hadn't really shared a kiss with Sonic yet, after all he kind of wanted that to be special...and something that his boyfriend would remember for eternity, as for the sex thing, he knew Sonic was afraid of getting hurt, so he didn't mind moving at his boyfriend's pace, he just isn't gonna go the mile on cheating on him just cause he couldn't get action.

When he pushed the door opened to the classroom he was met with a interesting surprise, sitting in one of the desks...was Shadow, he was still under house arrest, but since he still needed an education he was allowed to attend school, since Sonic didn't go there anymore, but a police officer had to follow him around to make sure he was doing his classes and not doing others things.

"Well well if it isn't Stripes" Scourge said as he looked at Shadow.

Shadow growled, he got Sonic's scent off the emerald hedgehog which only made him growl more. "Why do you have his scent?"

"And why the fuck do you care...since your the one that gave him these traumas" Scourge snaps back, he folded his arms "Tsk...It's ashame that you can't get your revenge on me cause the cop outside"

Scourge pushes Sally to Shadow, "And keep this filth away from me...cause you two are damn perfect for each other" he added as he sits down at his desk.

During all of second period, Scourge was rather enjoying Shadow having to act like he wasn't a some scumbag, which put a smile on the emerald hedgehog's muzzle. When the bell rang, Scourge shoved Shadow to the side causing him to hit Sally.

"HEY!!" Shadow called out, Scourge only flipped him off before walking out of few.

"He's enjoying this too much...I mean that Freak got what he deserves, for being a disgusting freak of nature...What male is able to have kids?" Sally scoffs in disgust, after she dusted herself off.

Shadow only rolls his eyes as he started walking out of the classroom.

Though it wasn't going to a perfect, after all They deserved whatever punishment Scourge had in mind for them.

When Scourge met up with Fiona and Zero, his suspicions about them being fake friends.

"What do you want?" Fiona asked folding her arms.

"Gee I know we don't get along but don't have to be so cold about it." Scourge said rolling his eyes.

"That's besides the point...Greenbean, mind explaining to us what you were doing with that Nerd!" Zero growled.

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