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Scourge opened the door to the diner, he got suspended for fighting another student, not that he cared.

Sonic was sitting in the corner of the diner, having lunch, he had his phone resting on the table beside him, with a baby monitor app. The blue hedgehog's ears twitched when he heard footsteps approaching him, he completely flinched back when he was the flame patch on Scourge's leather jacket.

"W-what a-are y-you doing h-here?" Sonic stutters, he just did his best to stay calm...he had moms watching over him...if he did have another panic attack.

"I'm here to keep my promise...though your mother probably didn't tell you" Scourge said, as he slides into the booth that was facing Sonic.

"N-no...I-I...P-please y-you, s-shouldn't be h-here" Sonic pleaded, his stuttering does started to get worse when he's anxious about something.

Scourge noticed Sonic was starting hyperventilated, does seeing him really cause the hedgehog some trauma...he needed to think of something to help Sonic calm down...he mentally growls to himself as he gently held Sonic's face. "Blue look at me...and take a few deep breaths"

Sonic started trembling, but he looked at Scourge and started to do what the emerald hedgehog asked him too do, he didn't want to upset Scourge...no...he didn't want to get punished for being bad. His breathing started to quicken, as he was starting to hyperventilate. Why was he so bad at getting over his trauma?

"Hey Hey...focus on me, Have I hurt you at all?" Scourge asked Sonic.

Sonic remembered all the times that Scourge brought him to the nurse's office, and took some of the beating from the other students for him. He started to calm down only a little bit...seeing Scourge here still terrorizes him...after all aren't they supposed to be boyfriends.

"There..." Scourge said letting out a sigh, before he sat back in his seat, "Look...Blue your mom told me what happened to you...before you transferred"

Sonic only looked down, as he didn't really trust Scourge, no did he trust Miles.

"And seeing how much you acted now..." Scourge folded his arms. "I really don't tend on hurting you...not after I saw you have that mental breakdown, and hearing part of your story"

Sonic wraps his arms around himself, to stop himself from trembling.

"I do tend on spending the rest of this week with you...and before he started to speaking, I'm taking No for an answer" Sonic looked at Scourge, he really hadn't been outside since he got home. "O-Okay..." Sonic stutters.

Scourge ignored the hoglet that on Sonic's phone, as he started to put his own number into the blue hedgehog's phone, at the moment he could careless about it...if Sonic brought it with him...it was whatever, teen pregnancy is just something that happens, but from Amy told him...this was more of a forced pregnancy. "Good, I hope to see you tomorrow...as for that whole boyfriend thing I said...forget about that, cause right now you need a friend" he gives Sonic his phone back before getting up from the booth, and walking out of the diner.

Sonic looked down at his phone to see baby monitor app was still open, he only saw his hoglet shift in his sleep. He then looks at the connects and he saw Scourge's number added to his phone. The blue hedgehog didn't have much on his phone, besides his parents numbers and his own, and now he had someone else in his contacts.

"A friend?...." Sonic repeated in mind. "Miles said the same thing..." he only pinned his ears down, he didn't really remember what it was like to have a friend...since the only friend he had was Sally, and yet he could only remember the horrible things that she did to him. "Is Miles and Scourge going to be like that?"

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