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Sonic woke up to the sound of whimpering, he rubs his eyes and looked at his phone to see that it was only one in the morning, his schoolwork was still out on the desk in front of a lamp, completed, with a small whimper himself cause of his bruised stomach, he pushes himself up, and made his way to the nursery.

The blue hedgehog saw the little hoglet trying roll himself, mobian cubs do still have their animal like instincts...as well as some human like morals, just that Mobians age slower, and the cubs depending on the species are normally smaller than a human infant. "What are you doing Shaundre?..." Sonic asked rubbing his eyes. The little hoglet only whimpers louder as was finally able to curl up unto a ball, before he fell out of his crib Sonic was quick to catch him. "Woah there...Little guy"

Shaundre uncurls himself he was laying on his stomach on Sonic's palm, he only cooes and rubs his cheek on his maternal mother's thumb. "Your quills are still soft...Shaundre, but you did your first spin dash" Shaundre on tilted his head in confusion at Sonic's words not completely understanding but he was happy that he getting cuddles at least.

Sonic looks at the bars in the crib, they were a little to wide now and the hoglet can easily squeeze through, now...he started to look around for anything that he could use to cushion his son if he ever fell out of cause of his spin dash. "I'm going to have tell your grannies about this...they might know something that I didn't..."

Shaundre only squeaks in responses, his little tail wagging, the blue hedgehog presses his son to his chest, walking out of the nursery, he needed all the sleep that he could get...since he had school tomorrow, the dive that he did really didn't help with the swelling on from the bruise on his stomach. He get into his bed laying Shaundre down onto the pillow making a little nest for his hoglet to keep him safe for the night.

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"HE WHAT!?" Amy called out from the other room, making both the small hoglet and adult bat flinch at the loud noise, Shaundre started to whimper before.

"Great going Bubblegum...he was having a peaceful morning..." Rouge said glaring at her wife.

"S-Sorry...I just got excited" Amy smiled, as she walked over to rub the hoglets head to apologize for being loud, "I'm sorry Shaundre...I didn't mean to hurt your little ears"

"As for your question Sonic...this is completely normal for hoglets at this age, it just means that he's getting himself ready to crawl, but I can look for a special crib for him though" Amy responded.

Sonic nodded "T-thanks...I-I thought t-that maybe it was something e-else" Sonic looked at his back pack and sees that he packed everything, he adjusted his tie and belt. "B-Bye M-Mom" he follows behind Rouge who waved Amy goodbye as well.

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