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The white sports car came to stop at the drop off location of the School, Rouge gave Sonic his gym bag, "Do you want me to come in with you?"

Sonic shook his head, Rouge smiled ruffles his quills "I'll see you at four" Sonic gets out of the car closing the door behind him, he waves Rouge goodbye before walking off inside the school.

Upon entering the School he gripped his chest as his ears flatten to his bed, he saw just how big the school was compared to his old one, there were some many students walking the hallways talking amongst themselves. He started walking away from the drop off location of the school, he needed to find the principal's office so he can get his schedule. He was looking at the logo of the School, and the many trophies that were on the display case, and photos of different team members, and clubs.

Sonic opened the door to the office, "Hello" the mobian greeted.

"C-can I h-have my schedule..." Sonic stuttered, the female looked at her desk started to rustle through the papers on her desk until she saw a name. "Are you Sonic Maurice Rose?" Sonic nodded, she handed him the sheet of papers.

Sonic bowed as a thank you, before walking out of the office, he looked down at his schedule, at the list of classes he was taking, the classroom number was beside the classes. He clinches the straps to his backpack, as he started to feel anxious about how big this school was compared to his old one. He took a deep breath and started walking to his first class before the rang. Walking down the hallways he went past the art room that had the students artworks on the walls outside of the room, he found the stairs that went up to the second floor. He walked up the stairs.

Sonic walked to the classroom door and saw the Teacher sitting at his desk, he tries the doorknob and walked into the room. "H-Hello?"

"Oh, hello, You must be our new student" The Teacher said.

Sonic nodded and walked fulling into the classroom, "I-I'm S-Sonic...a-and I-I will d-do my best to c-catch up" Sonic stuttered he didn't really like talking...he was so used to getting hit for talking out of turn...something that his father did to him when he was three, but he didn't start stuttering until he started dating Shadow...and that's when the abuse started getting worse and more frequent.

"Well I have an open seat right there for you, you came rather early, so you can sit here or go explore the school" The Teacher said, Sonic only took a seat at the empty desk, it was close to the window so it didn't make him feel claustrophobic, something that he got from being trapped inside his locker.

When the bell rang, Students started to floated in, Sonic didn't recognize any of them, which was a relief. The students started to take there seats and Sonic started to feel anxious, but he did his best to control himself.

"As you all know we have a new student joining us today" The Teacher said, everyone turned their attention to Sonic that Teacher was pointing at, the blue hedgehog only waved his his hand. "Now let's start the lesson" the Teacher said as she turned to the whiteboard.

"So your the new kid?" A yellow Fox, with two tails instead of one, wearing a brown pilot vest over his white dress shirt, with a pair of flight goggles on his forehead, Sonic never seen a fox who was born with to tails before. This is Miles Prower. "I know how it feels to be the new kid...but I'm Miles Prower and you are?"

Sonic blinked...this was the first time someone had talked to him, but in a nicely way, and not called him a name, or demanded something of from him. "S-Sonic Maurice Rose" he whispered.

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