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Miles waved at Scourge, when he saw the emerald hedgehog walked into the school this morning. Fiona and Zero looked at fox in disgust, before she waved at Scourge to get his attention.

Scourge saw Miles and Cosmo...but he went to Fiona and Zero, these group of students are known to be the delinquents of the school, since the beginning of Freshmen Year, Scourge was nothing but a trouble maker, often ditched classes, talk back to the teachers, got into physical fights with the students, he was always on top, Fiona was second do to her snarky attitude, as well as her being able to fight back, and Zero was just intimidating, much like Scourge he ran third of Scourge ever got suspended.

Any new student that came to school, had learn that those three were in charge.

Scourge gave Miles a look that said that he would talk to them in the classroom, after all he still had a reputation to hold.

"Hey Scourge didn't you hear that we are get two new students" Fiona smiles.

"As if...that last kid didn't last long, what a pathetic excuse for Sophomore" Zero laughed.

Scourge only rolled his eyes, he knew these two were fake friends...after all they were only around him cause of his status, in the world, the Son of Model and a Famous Race Car Driver. The emerald hedgehog stopped in his tracks when he saw a brown chipmunk, wearing the female school uniform, but of course it was blinged up with the most expensive jewelry, and a black and red hedgehog.

"Damn what a stank...and here I thought you were rich..." Fiona scoffs when she saw the chipmunk.

"Tsk, that hedgehog doesn't even look tough..." Zero said rolling his mixed matching eyes.

"Lets just go to class" Scourge said as he turns to leave the area, he'll give those two a piece of his mind.

During first bell nothing really important happened, after all it was just a class that Scourge didn't really care about. As he was walking to his next class.

"Where do you think your going Freak?"

Scourge turned his attention in the direction of where he heard the voice from, and saw Miles standing at his locker, before it was slammed shout in front of him...the fox was rather used to getting bullied...but he was smart enough to at least get the bullies to lose interest in him, but this was Sally...Sally Acorn...Sonic's EX-Friend...who was nothing more than a manipulative, cheating, popular girl, though since she's in a new school she has to earn back that title.

"What makes you think you can turn your back on me?" Sally growls

"The very reason why you turned your back on a Friend that needed your help" Miles remarked.

Sally only growled, she noticed Scourge standing there and she put on an act, making herself cry. "W-why would y-you say such a-a thing..." she weeped, Miles only blinks he has to admit her acting skills is on point, but her crying started to draw in a crowd, of students whispering amongst themselves.

"Oh stop your fake crying Bitch..." Scourge spoke up, making the crowd gasp.

"W-what...I'm not faking" Sally sniffs. "This kid really hurt my feelings..."

"Oh your right your not faking it...cause a Slut like you really looks like that" Scourge admits coldly.

Sally almost broke out of character when she was called that, but she forces herself to sob. "I'm n-not that...why would you say that...to someone on there first day"

"I don't know Bitch, maybe because everyone here knows who's in charge, and it's definitely not some chipmunk who came off of Bling-Bling-Island" Scourge scoffs, he folded his arms and motions everyone to shoo, which they listen leaving Scourge and Sally alone in the hallway. "You listen...and You listen fucking close...The Names Scourge Hedgehog, and you walking under my school, therefore you listen to me"

"Tsk or what? You don't look so big and bad" Sally grumbles.

Scourge only smirks "Cause I don't need to look the part...to get my point across, Whore"

Sally watched Scourge turn the corner disappearing down the hallway, she straightens out her hair and make up, before turning the other way. She didn't know who Scourge is...or who he think he is, all she needed to do is dethrone the head female of the school...then she'll have Scourge wrapped around her finger.

Scourge stopped in front of the classroom door to see Shadow smoking, he didn't care who smoked in the school, as long as they didn't harm someone, Hell he smoked before but ended up quitting cause of obvious reasons. "Hey Emo, mind moving so I get into the classroom"

"Tsk...That's Shadow to you, Slimeball" Shadow retorts.

"Didn't ask for a fucking name Emo, either you move your ass or I'm moving it myself" Scourge growled.

Shadow rolled his eyes, he moved out of the way of the door, Scourge flew the door open and purposefully smacked Shadow in the face with the door.

"Watch it!" Shadow growled holding his nose.

"Hmm? Oh I didn't know you were standing there" Scourge scoffs, as he walked into the classroom to take his seat.

He pulled out his phone and gave Fiona and Zero a quick text, telling them to not show mercy with the new students, after all it can't hurt to get a little revenge on a couple of assholes who deserved the treatment.

By the time that Lunchtime came around Scourge had already pissed off Shadow when he opened the door to his face, and didn't by into Sally's bullshit.

"Oh my chaos EW!"

Fiona stopped in her tracks when she heard a female voice, she poked her head out from behind the lockers.

"Why would a girl like yourself wear black thigh length pants underneath a skirt...what are you a lesbian" Sally said with disgust towards Blaze's face, the cat was more of a tomboy than a lesbian, and skirts just really isn't her thing.

Fiona only rolled her eyes. "Great another one of those Freaks" she thought to herself.

Zero came walking up behind her.

"I hate Whores like this, you know they think they own school all because they are rich...and shit" Fiona started.

"To be honest she's is literally nothing compared to Scourge...the reason why he's on top"

"I know...he literally rules with an iron fist" Fiona laughs to herself "I can't wait for Emo the Hedgehog, and Scourge to get into a fist fight...Emo is going lose"

Zero laughs with her, "Come on...I'm starving"

Fiona followed after Zero to the cafeteria, unaware that Sally was listening to them, a smile formed on her muzzle. "So the green hedgehog is on top, no matter I just have to make Shads jealous and they would literally fight over me" Sally thought to herself, as she walked to the cafeteria to join her boyfriend at lunch.

The rest of the school day went on like normal, Scourge was the first one out of the school building, he planned on getting revenge on Shadow and Sally for what they did to Sonic, sure he didn't have evidence to put them to jail...but he sure can make their time at Emerald High a fucking nightmare...if he gets expelled so what, at least he got revenge of the people that hurt his friend.

Friend? Could he really call Sonic that?

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