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A week went by without incident, and Green Hill High had been rather the same, Sonic looks up at the school, it's the very place that gave him trauma, only because of his stupidity...and his morals that lived by because of his Father. The fifteen year old looked over at the car that had Amy sitting in the seat, he walked up to the double doors and paged himself inside, he walks over to the office, opening the door and stepping inside.

"How can I-Oh Mr. Rose...We weren't expecting you to comeback so soon" The Lady at the desk said.

"I-I...I-I'm not coming back...I-I'm transferring s-schools s-so I'm just here t-to drop off this weeks school work, and e-empty out my lockers" Sonic stuttered, the Lady looked at Sonic before nodding "Just be careful Mr. Rose"

Sonic gives the Lady his schoolwork before leaving, he walked down the hallways of lockers stopping at his vandalized locker.

"Look who finally came back..."

Sonic quickly turned around and saw Sally, and Wave.

"I-I'm n-not staying..." Sonic stuttered as he just backs away pressing his back against his locker, his body starting to tremble.

"Aww really...Come on Cuntboy, everyone here missed you" Wave smiled softly.

Sonic squeaks when Sally slammed him hard against his locker, he let out a whimper. "S-Sally...P-Please..."


Sally turned her head to look at who called her she saw the Principal, and she quickly dropped Sonic, causing the blue hedgehog to fall to the floor.

"Mrs. J-Jones" Sally said as she started to think of an excuse.

"No excuses...Ms. Acorn, not get to class, same with you Ms. Swallow"

The two girls quickly scrambled off to there class, Sonic pulls himself up and looked at principal. "T-Thank y-you"

"Mr. Rose, i got the word...and I wish you the best of luck, and with everything your friends had told us...we are going to keep a better eye on our students" She said as she opens Sonic's locker for him.

"You didn't deserve the treatment you got"

Sonic started to clean out his locker, he took the photo of him and Sally when they were kids, he grumbled the photo in his hands. He closed the locker behind him.

"Are you okay with hiding to the Gym...I can send a male teacher with you"

"N-No I can do this...T-Thanks for your offer" Sonic said as he turned to leave he waved the principal.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic opened the door to the male locker room, he stopped in tracks, his chest started hurting, it was a good thing that he was wearing a baggy hoodie to cover his lactating nipples...since he had Shaundre his body went through a lot of changes over the days.

"Oh look who decided to show his fucking face"

Sonic swallowed the lump in his throat, as he turned around, he saw Jet, Storm, and Shadow all of them wearing the gym uniform. "I-I w-was just a-about to leave..." Sonic stutters as he stepped back.

"Tsk, after you abandoned me...what kind of boyfriend are you" Shadow argued, Sonic didn't know what to say as he stepped back more he was afraid of Shadow and his friends...since he knew what they were capable of, the hedgehog let out a squeak of when he was pinned to the lockers. "I heard a rumor that...someone knocked you up..."

"S-Shadow p-please..." Sonic whimpered as his ears tilted back.

"We are recording" Jet called out as he had his phone out.

"And the door is blocked" Storm said cracking his knuckles.

"N-No p-please!!" Sonic pleaded, Shadow grabbed ahold of his hoodie and ripped off of his body, Sonic lets out a whimper as he tried to covered himself, his body had gotten slimmer, and curvier. "So the rumors were true"

"Aww is the little Cuntboy going to cry for his Mommies" Jet teased as he motions Storm to help Shadow.

Sonic had tears in the corner of his eyes, "God you are so fucking useless" Shadow rolled his eyes, he grabbed a hold of Sonic's pants, "Hold him down"

Storm nodded and grabbed both of Sonic's arms the blue hedgehog whimpered as his arms were forced to be behind his back. "S-SHADOW...S-stop p-please..." he cried out. But the dark Hedgehog didn't listen and ripped his pants off so that he was in his underwear, his hips had widen do to the child birth, as well as his thighs had thicken, same with his legs.

"Now let's give that camera the few they want" Shadow smiled taking a hold of Sonic legs spreading them out after ripping off his underwear. Giving Jet the full view of his vulva. The blue hedgehog had started to softly sob to himself. He just saw Shadow stepping closer to him.

"Remember I hurt you cause I love you...Cunt" Shadow whispered to Sonic.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

"AHHH!!" Sonic screamed as his body was forced into a painful position, with Shadow slamming his cock into his uterus tears streaming down his face, he was already covered in deep bruising cause of his attempt of trying to call for help, and Storm giving him the beat down. "AHH!! I-IT H-HURTS" Sonic sobbed out, a bloody bite mark on his left nipple. Shadow slammed himself further into Sonic's uterus. "N-No...D-Don't p-Ple-ARGHH!!" Sonic screams as he felt the sudden burst of warmth shot up inside him.

Shadow only smirks before he pulls his length out of Sonic, a bit of blood spilled out of his vulva.

"Fucking Cunt...but this video everyone is going like it" Jet laughed.

Storm had let Sonic good, laughing to himself, Sonic could only hear the his soft sobs and the laughter of Shadow, Jet, and Storm.

What felt like an hour, Sonic finally exists out of the School with his stuff that he got from his lockers he opened the door to Amy's car, climbing into the car.

"Oh my Sonic what happened!" Amy called out when she saw the tear stains on Sonic's muzzle.

"I-I...j-just want to g-go home..." Sonic stuttered.

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