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Sonic lets out a small yawn, as he couldn't really get any sleep last night, not after his encounter with Scourge...he didn't understand why would someone like that be nice to him?

He looks at himself in the mirror, his body is still the same after child birth, the bruising only left a permanent scar on his stomach, the cuts on his arms had completely scabbed over, the permanent burn marks on his neck and shoulders...as well as the heavy bruising, on his thighs and hips, a scar on his ear from Shadow biting him hard, same with his neck. He pinned his ears down. "Why would anyone like me...look at me...I'm nothing but a mess" he thought to himself. He didn't have anything nice to wear since his baggy clothes were being washed. He just slips on some shorts, and a short sleeve t-shirt, they were baggy enough to hide his curves.

When his shoes were on, he quickly wipes away his tears from his eyes, and takes his medicine, he pulled the baby bag onto his shoulders, after strapping on his shoes, and putting shoes onto Shaundre, he gave the hoglet a small kiss on his cheek.

"Where are you going?" Amy called out from behind the cashier.

"O-out w-with S-Scourge..." Sonic stuttered as he puts Shaundre into his new stroller.

"Did you at least take your medicine?" Amy asked.

Sonic nodded, Amy lets out small sigh, she knew Sonic getting out of the apartment would help put him at ease, but just hopes Scourge has good intentions with her adopted son. "Just don't stay out to late...okay"

The blue hedgehog only nodded again as he opens the door to the diner to step outside, he looked down at his phone...Scourge texted him this morning about meeting him at the park. He starts pushing the stroller in that location, he had to admit the sun light on his fur felt nice...the sound of the flickies...the need for him to stretch out his legs, and get some fresh hair.

Shaundre had the hood of the stroller covering his eyes from the sun, but he was enjoying having the warmth of the sun on his little growing body. He was still confused as to what is going on around him.

It was a long walk to the park, but it was all worth it, for Sonic, he may have lost that chance of happiness...but seeing his hoglet was enjoying being outdoors more than Sonic was.

Scourge was tapping his foot onto the concrete of the sidewalk, he was waiting for Sonic to show up, so they could at least have a relaxing time outside, he did notice Sonic wanting to go outside...but he just felt safer being inside, and in his own little bubble, with only his parents, and son.

"H-Hello S-Scourge..." Sonic stutters.

Scourge looked at Sonic, he did take notice of the self-harm cuts on his arms, but he just shook it off. "Great." He motions Sonic to follow him. Which the blue hedgehog did so, pushing the stroller.

Scourge tried talking to Sonic, to get the hedgehog to at least open up more to him, but Sonic didn't really speak out to the emerald hedgehog, mostly out of not trusting the other, the day went okay for Scourge, for Sonic just seeing Shaundre happy with the swings, and slides, made this experience good for Sonic.

"Well at least...the hoglet had fun...still doesn't trust me enough to speak more" Scourge thought to himself, he lets out a small sigh...this was harder than it looks.

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