Chapter 2- The Oracle

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Emmy and Anisa had lunch off the island at their favorite Italian joint, gorging themselves on mounds of pasta. They only ate at Margo's when they went to the big box store in the city. The island was too tiny for any major chain stores to settle down in, so that meant making a whole production out of visiting the stores to get items they needed in bulk.

Not that they needed an excuse to eat their way into a carb coma.

After lunch, they returned to the island and parked on the main stretch of the boardwalk, convincing themselves to walk instead of driving to each store they visited. Their laziness knew no bounds that afternoon, so the walk was more of a slow trudge. Still, they managed to get some exercise despite the sundried tomato pesto pasta that sat like lead in their stomachs.

Anisa splurged on an adorable new top at her favorite boutique, and Emmy bought these dainty sun and moon earrings that were too cute to pass up. She slipped them in her ears as they walked out of the boutique, bags in hand, ready for the final stop: Verina's Metaphysical Shop.

Anisa's high priestess owned the only magick supply store on the island. Still, the item quality was always the best. If you needed anything from candles and crystals to athames and pendulums, Verina was the one to go to.

The musical jingle of a bell sounded as they walked through the door and the familiar smell of incense lingered from the register in the corner.

"Welcome!" a soothing voice called from behind a beaded curtain leading to the back. A head peeked through, eyes landing on Anisa before coming out to greet them.

Kissing both of Anisa's cheeks, Verina's eyes crinkled in delight to see her fellow coven member. Verina had known Anisa nearly as long as Emmaline had and held a strong affection for the girl growing up.

Verina had voluminous dark hair speckled with gray, pulled into a clean bun to keep it out of her face. She had lines around her eyes that only managed to make her look more kind and a face that was still beautiful, even as she aged.

"What brings you two in today? Looking for anything in particular?" Verina offered her help.

"Just grabbing a few necessities," Anisa replied, grabbing a shopping basket each for Emmaline and herself.

"Alright, let me know if you need me. I'll be in the back." Verina disappeared behind the curtain while the girls circled the store's perimeter.

"So, still doing a solo circle tonight?" Anisa prompted.

Emmaline hummed in confirmation while eyeballing which jars would be the best size for what she wanted to do.

"Thought any more about what you're looking to accomplish, though? With the eclipse falling on the Night of the Witches, you know there will be more energy than usual."

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