Chapter 36- Blessed Be

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Emmaline was so tired of being pregnant.

She was full-term and miserable. She'd had a few scares over the last couple of weeks where she thought she might be going into labor, but they ended up only being Braxton Hicks, and they went away after a bottle of water and getting off her feet. She leaned over the counter, rubbing her aching back as she watched Hobi and Jay work the cafe.

Hobi showed off his newfound talent at making Dalgona coffee to Jimin, who wanted to learn for his new mukbang YouTube channel. He had watched mukbangs for years, and, despite his busy schedule at the clinic, Jimin wanted to get out of his comfort zone and try it himself. Jin inspired him after debuting his own channel, Eat Jin, a few months before. He'd given him several video ideas, including Dalgona coffee, and luckily Hobi had mastered it when they added it to the cafe's menu.

Jay watched the men with a disinterested look as he swept the floor and quietly rapped along to the J. Cole song on the radio. He was more of an espresso or iced black coffee kind of guy, but to each their own. He could at least admit that the viral appeal of the more intricate coffees and teas got people in the door.

Emmy smiled as she watched the group, thinking about the past month. She, Hobi, and Jay fell right back into their old routines. It wasn't as if nothing happened in the first place, though. She still had vivid nightmares about their deaths that she couldn't seem to shake, but waking up sandwiched between them did a lot to soothe her frazzled nerves. She wasn't as clingy as she was the first week or so after they came back, but she still preferred to have them in her line of sight. Not that the guys minded. They seemed to enjoy how attached and affectionate Emmy was 24/7.

The shrill ring of the store's phone interrupted her ogling, much to Emmy's disappointment.

"Thank you for calling Daydream Books. How can I help you?" Emmy chirped in her best customer service voice.

"Ahh, Emmaline, my dear, it's Mr. Gulliver calling," she heard from the other end of the line. She removed the phone from her ear before pretending to bang it against the counter in annoyance. Then, she picked it back up and schooled her features before answering.

"Mr. Gulliver! It's good to hear from you," she lied. "How can I help you today?"

Jay overheard her call and began watching more closely as he swept.

"Oh, I was only calling to check in on you. You know me, I've been so worried about how you were holding up. Your baby must have been born by now, right?"

Emmy had to bite her tongue. Since when had this man ever cared about her well-being? Plus, the topic of her due date had been a sensitive one lately. "Nope, still pregnant and doing fine, thanks for asking." It probably sounded sharper than she meant, but she was running out of fucks to give.

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