Chapter 21- Love is a Witch

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"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray," Hobi sang with his head in Emmaline's lap, casually stroking his hand over her belly. A few days before, he had discovered that the baby was the size of a turnip and began to hear sounds. Ever since, he had insisted on singing to their little nugget every day so they would start to recognize his voice. It melted her heart with each tune he sang.

Emmy ate her second bowl of cereal, the bowl hovering precariously over the man's head as she listened to him.

While he crooned his soft melody, she noticed a sudden hum. It wasn't something she could hear, more something she could feel inside her. It was a vibration that reminded her of someone strumming the strings of a guitar against her heart. Each of those strings held an emotion, and when played together, there was a beautiful chord of complex feeling.

But these feelings weren't her own.

She was content, to be sure, and that was there, but there was also... elation? There was warmth, and excitement, and enthusiasm.

"I feel," she started, unable to finish the thought. How does one describe an emotion that isn't their own without sounding possessed?

"You feel...?" Jay asked, taking a seat at her side with the hot mug of decaffeinated tea he had been brewing for her.

Hobi had stopped singing at her interruption, putting her cereal bowl on the coffee table and sitting up. "Did you need something, princess? Is the morning sickness back?"

The feeling had stopped, though. No more chords, no more strings. She shook her head and laughed at herself. Maybe it was heartburn.

Hobi handed Emmy her unfinished breakfast and laid himself back in her lap. He continued singing, enjoying the lazy morning together before their day became busy and crowded. He had finished one line of the next verse when Emmy gasped, and he stalled once again.

"No, no, keep going. Keep singing," she said, tears forming in her eyes. He did as she asked with a look of skepticism. "They like that. They like your voice."

"Who? What are you talking about?" Jay asked from beside her, taking the swooshing bowl of cereal from her shaky hands before she made a mess.

"The baby," she sniffled, tears full-on streaming down her face as she rubbed the sides of her stomach. "The baby likes the song."

"The ba-- wait, you felt what the baby is feeling?" Hobi asked, jerking up, nearly bopping heads with his soulmate, who was oblivious to the world around her.

"Empathy," Jay's slow smile bloomed across his face. "It's your empathy returning."

Hobi ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her temple, lingering for a moment. "More of your powers, princess. You have the ability to perceive the emotions of others. You are the original nurturer and, in that respect, always had a keen sense for how those around you have felt, as well as a built-in lie detector of sorts."

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