Chapter 24- Witch's Brew

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The next stop of their day-date was going to be the boardwalk. Hobi drove slowly down the coastline, one strong hand on the steering wheel and the other on her knee. Jay sat in the back, cracking jokes as they rode. Something about the breeze coming through the open windows, their laughter, and the sound of the road beneath them gave her a sense of deja vu. 

Hobi parked, and Jay, in a show of chivalry, had her passenger door open before she could do it herself. She looked down the crowded boardwalk and smiled. It had some of her favorite boutiques, including Verina's Metaphysical Shop at the very end of the strip, as well as some of the best street food. The smell of anything and everything fried was already wafting toward them, and the sound of children giggling filled the air.

The three went into each store and took a minute to listen to all the street performers playing outside. The guys put on quite a performance for the people walking by. If they found musicians they liked, they couldn't help but dance. Being identical, they already drew attention, but when they moved, you couldn't peel your eyes away.

One store they spent a good deal of time in was a shop that specialized in wood carvings made from local live oaks. They made everything from intricate furniture to sculptures and even some tools to start wood carving yourself, if interested. In addition, they held monthly classes for amateurs that Jay, in particular, wanted to return for.

One of her favorite stops was a honey shop. A family on the island were beekeepers and used the honey they collected to make all kinds of neat things. Of course, you could buy local honey in many forms and flavors, as well as raw honeycomb. They also had a skincare line, lip balms, and a bee pollen supplement. She always enjoyed trying out their new products, and she loved that they used the store to raise awareness for the alarmingly fast decrease in pollinators around the world and educate people on what can be done to help.

The baby also forced them to make a pit stop at the local candy and sweet shop. It wasn't her. It was the baby that needed it!

The guys didn't require all that much convincing, though. The smell of pralines had a way of drawing people right in. Emmy made sure to grab several kinds of pralines, a batch of pecan divinity, some delicious-looking fudge, and some peanut brittle for Anisa. Jay and Hobi were both so mesmerized by the machine near the window spinning the salt water taffy that they bought a bag each to take home with them. They munched on that as they wandered through the other shops.

Emmy thought they would love the vintage clothing store, and boy was she right about that. They spent the better part of an hour in that shop alone, trying on various items spanning several decades. Finally, she had to drag them away, kicking and screaming, and she knew at that moment that they would be back. They probably would've lived there if she'd let them.

When the sun began to set, Emmy walked arm-in-arm with Jay as Hobi fed her nibbles of his praline. The nights were starting to cool, giving her all the more reason to get cuddly with them, not that she really needed an excuse. They walked down the last of the stores, taking in the evening. The salty breeze from the ocean swirled around them and through the moss dangling from the trees lining the street.

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