Chapter 12- I Put a Spell on You

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More than a week had passed, and Emmy still had yet to tell Anisa. She'd even managed to tell Alexi, but the words to tell this person who she'd known almost her entire life evaded her. This woman was her best friend, sister, and confidante, but Emmy put off talking or meeting with her whenever her phone rang. Was it so wrong to be terrified of what she might think? If she cared what her coven would think of her new life situation, she cared a million times more about Anisa's opinion.

Sure, she knew her best friend would be understanding. Anisa would support her in anything and everything. Still, she procrastinated telling her what was happening, but she didn't deserve it. More than anything, Emmy wanted to ensure Anisa heard it from her. The island wasn't big, and sooner or later, the townspeople would be talking about the new twins who had moved in. There was no such thing as secrets in their small town, but nerves were getting the best of her. 

She couldn't put it off much longer, though.

Issa: I'm coming over
when I get off at 4.
No excuses. Have
chocolate and an

"Ughhhhh, I'm so dead!" Emmaline whined, tossing her phone to the other side of the couch. Jay returned from the kitchen with her morning tea, earning him a half-hearted smile, and he set it on the coffee table in front of them.

"Anisa?" he asked, recognizing Emmy's guilt-laced panic that she wore anytime she got a notification from her friend.

"I'm honestly surprised it took her this long. I would've expected her to show up unannounced days ago with the way I've been acting."

"So, we're meeting her today?"

"Guess so. Maybe I'll call the guys to come over, too. Usually, it's Issa that acts as a buffer for me, and now I need one for her."

"It'll be fine. Your coven took it well enough, and she's a witch too."

"A Dianic witch. You know they kind of snub you."

Jay huffed at that but was otherwise unaffected. "Most of the world these days doesn't know of our existence. Dianic covens are at least halfway there."

"I guess I'm anxious," she replied, laying her head on his shoulder when he wrapped his arm around her.

"The longer you wait, the harder it'll be, kitten. Just think, after tonight, all the people in your life who need to know will have the whole story. No more secrets. That's what you want, right?"

Emmy bit her lip and looked up at Jay with a seductive glance. "I want a lot of things."

"Oh, no."

She threw her leg over Jay's lap to straddle him and grazed her manicured fingernails down his chest. "Oh, yes."

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