Chapter 27- Magick Man

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Hobi had sent the "all clear" text to Jay, signaling the end of his assigned time, and Emmy was in the kitchen whipping them up a late lunch while they waited for him to get home from shopping with Jin and Jungkook. It was still early afternoon but much later than they'd typically have lunch. She was glad they had such a big breakfast to start the day.

Autumn on the island was inconsistent when it came to cool weather. Some days were in the 30s, and you needed a coat, and other days were still in the high 70s, and you'd catch locals in t-shirts and flip-flops.

On this particular day, it was a brisk 50 degrees. Naturally, she thought that was perfect soup weather. Luckily, she had all the ingredients to make her favorite tortellini soup because once the baby got that thought in his tiny little head, she HAD to have it.

She browned ground beef in a pot, as well as some chopped onions and minced garlic. The entire house smelled marvelous from that step alone. Then she added beef broth, tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, spices, and heaping spoonfuls of Italian herbs. She let that simmer for a while and cleaned up.

When Jay made it back home, he swooped Emmy up in a hug like he hadn't seen her in ages, when in truth, they had seen each other not even 5 hours before. She still relished the affection and leaned into the raven-haired man, taking in his citrusy, clean scent.

"Well, where are your bags?" she asked, looking at his empty hands. "Did you not find anything you liked?"

"Ah, no, I didn't get any clothes. It was still fun to go out with the guys, though. Something smells great!" He lifted the pot's lid to take a better whiff of its contents.

"Tortellini soup. It'll be ready in about 10 minutes. Go let Hobi know, and I'll finish up in here," she said as she watched the man walk away. He looked back when he was halfway to the living room to give her a wink, catching her red-handed as she checked him out. She didn't feel the least bit ashamed about it, either.

She added cream to the soup and threw in a few big handfuls of kale. To finish, she stirred in the cheese tortellini and let the soup simmer another few minutes until the pasta was cooked through, and served it up in big bowls with cheese-stuffed breadsticks on the side.

The three of them sat together in the dining room, talking about their mornings. Jay loved their paintings and was super excited to get the nursery started soon so they could hang them up. They had decided to convert the spare room into the nugget's nursery. Hobi and Jay never used that room anyway, they were always in her room, so they would reorganize her bedroom to fit more of their things.

When lunch was over, Hobi graciously offered to clean up so that Emmy and Jay could be on their way. Emmy slipped on her white sneakers, grabbed a sweater, and tossed Jay the keys to the car as they left the house. She knew he'd want to drive, anyway, but she found that she liked watching him whenever he did.

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