Chapter 7- Evil Eye

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Taking the guys to the mall proved to be more trouble than Emmaline thought.

From the moment she pulled out of the driveway, the guys started distracting her. Jay reached from behind to play with her hair as she drove, then made comments about her driving capabilities when she almost hit a curb, as if he wasn't the reason she swerved. Hobi started innocently enough with a hand on her knee. Of course, the innocent part didn't last long, as his hand crept up every time they hit a bump in the road.

She did find some humor in the fact that his caresses morphed into a vise-like grip as they crossed the bridge over to the mainland, hearing him mutter about how long it was and how she might drive over the edge at any time on accident. Guess even gods could have phobias.

Luckily for him, the bridge wasn't that long, and the two were right back to their antics, dancing and singing to the songs on the radio at top volume while finding any excuse to touch her.

If she thought the drive was enough to frazzle her nerves, she knew the rest of their outing was bound to be an experience.

From the moment the men stepped out of her car, all eyes were on them. She wasn't quite sure if it was because twins themselves naturally drew attention or because these particular twins were practically ethereal. It was probably a combination of the two. They were in the spotlight, though, and it made Emmaline fidgety. It didn't matter if it was kids, elderly couples, men, or women. Everyone watched their every move.

The first store they went to wound up being a total dud. The guys only stocked up on essentials, finding everything aside from the socks, underwear, and belts stodgy and unacceptable. They'd been in the world for less than 24 hours and already had expensive taste.

As they perused the window displays to get a feel for what their fashion was like, Emmy had to steer them away from some of the more luxury brands, knowing good and well she couldn't afford a single jacket from Dior, let alone an entire outfit. The guys still found plenty of options at other boutiques and shops, having an uncanny ability to take something boring off the rack and make it come together into a cohesive look. It didn't hurt that they both wore the same size. They basically had a built-in two-for-one closet.

Jay was stumbling under the weight of all the bags from the stores they had previously been to, and you could barely see Hobi's eyes over the mountain of clothes he was walking to the register. It seemed outlandish, from the outside, how much they were buying, but they were starting with, literally, nothing more than the clothes on their backs. If anything, they were still being reasonably prudent.

They picked a good selection of casual outfits, lounge clothes, dressier looks, and one suit each. Emmy had to reign them in when they got to the sneaker section, but otherwise, they didn't go too overboard. They bought some accessories they both liked and some men's grooming products that she didn't keep on hand for herself. Still, even though they weren't going crazy, it appeared like they were buying out the stores.

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