Chapter 28- Saved by the Spell

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"Cold soups exist! Come on, gazpacho is a soup, and it's cold!" Hobi's shrill voice was getting louder each time he came up with a new defense. "And soups don't need meat or vegetables to be a soup either! Tomato soup is a thing, and tomatoes are fruits!"

"Just because it's a solid ingredient combined with a liquid ingredient and eaten with a spoon, that doesn't make CEREAL a soup!" Jay countered just as enthusiastically.

Emmy fastened her amulet, which she wore religiously, around her neck to finish her look as she listened to the men argue from the other room. They were invited to Namjoon's for dinner and a movie with the rest of the coven, and she was almost ready to go.

"There are plenty of milk-based soups, too, so there's no logical reason cereal wouldn't be a soup! Open up your mind, man!" Emmy came out of the bedroom to find Hobi pacing in front of Jay, who sat on the couch with his arms crossed and his head thrown back in frustration. Hobi looked over as she crossed the room and picked up her shoes by the door to put them on. "Perfect! Emmy, what do you think? Is cereal a soup?"

She smiled to herself, always amused at their antics. Most of the time, she tried not to take sides on controversial topics such as this, but she was in a particularly chaotic mood that afternoon, so she decided to mix things up.

"Nope, not a soup! Meat, veggies, and fruits, if we're talking about tomatoes, are not soups unless they're added to liquid. So, the pieces of the whole have to be combined to make a soup. The difference is dry cereal is still cereal, whether or not you're eating it with milk! That means, in my eyes, it's not soup!" She tied her last shoelace with a flourish as she finished her explanation.

"Ha!" Jay exclaimed, pointing to the white-haired man with a look that screamed victory. "Majority rules!"

Hobi's eyes rolled so hard that Emmy was surprised they didn't go all the way into the back of his head. "I'll ask the rest of the guys when we get to dinner later, then we'll REALLY see."

When they arrived at Namjoon's place, half of the coven was already there. Jin had come by early to get a head start on dinner preparations, and both Yoongi and Jungkook were in the living room. They could hear Jungkook trying to convince Yoongi to play a video game with him from the doorway and Yoongi's annoyed groans as he relented.

"Glad you guys could make it! Come on in!" Namjoon said with a Colgate smile, stepping aside for the three to get out of the chilly weather. He shot Hobi and Jay a weird look when he noticed them carrying an entire gallon of milk and a tub of strawberry Nesquik, but they just shook their head at him.

"Don't ask," Jay mumbled, gesturing to the pregnant woman beside them. 

After making a detour to stick the milk in the fridge, Hobi, Jay, and Namjoon joined the guys in the living room, curious about the game the other guys were playing. Emmy stayed to keep Jin company in the kitchen. She had made a large tray of peach cobbler for dessert and brought some vanilla ice cream to go on top that she needed to stick in the freezer. What she was met with when she entered the kitchen sent her into a fit of giggles.

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