Chapter 19- Knot of Isis

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Emmy hardly had a chance to lock the door behind them before being swept off her feet. Hobi carried her bridal style straight to the bedroom. He placed her on the bed with care, but his kiss was far from gentle. Teeth scraped against lips as he palmed her ass through the dress she wore and pressed himself against her.

"Mmm, feel what you're doing to me, princess?" he whispered as he rolled his hips. Whether dancing or in bed, he moved his body in ways only he or Jay could.

As he nibbled his way down her neck, Emmaline spotted Jay at the foot of the bed, slowly stripping the layers of his suit. It was as if the entire date had been a round of foreplay, and none of them could wait another minute to touch each other and feel skin upon skin. His piercing eyes never left hers as each article of clothing dropped, making her moan and grind herself more into Hobi, seeking the friction she had been craving all night.

When Jay was down to his boxers, he and Hobi switched places, with Jay pulling Emmy to straddle his lap. She rocked her hips against him as she locked their lips in a sensual kiss, his length straining against the thin fabric between them. His smooth skin was hot against her hands as she traced the lines of his toned physique. His arms, chest, abs... every part of him made her blood pump more.

His capable hands grazed up her back and dragged the zipper of her dress down, pulling back from their kiss long enough to watch it fall from her shoulders and pool at her hips. He pulled down the cups of her bra, licking his lips and smirking. His tongue flicked across one of her sensitive nipples, and her eyes fluttered as he circled his tongue over and over. Her body had a mind of its own, rutting against him like a wild animal.

"Is my little kitten in heat?" Jay rasped against her skin as he dragged his teeth up her neck and guided her hips, encouraging the movements even more.

Behind her, an undressed Hobi gathered her hair to one side and laved kisses over her back and shoulders, unclipping her bra and tossing it across the room. He removed the delicate heirloom necklace and placed it on the bedside table before helping her up to face him and step out of her dress.

"Beautiful, princess," he whispered, cool hand to her cheek, before sinking to his knees in front of her. He inched her panties down her thighs, following the fabric with his mouth and tongue. Jay pulled Emmy into his lap, her back against his chest, as he moved to the edge of the bed. He spread her legs with his own, exposing her to his lighter-haired counterpart.

Hobi crawled towards them, eyes focused on her already dripping core. He parted her lips and made kitten licks against her clit, teasing her. The sparkle of laughter in his eyes drove Emmy to near madness. She wanted to move and grind against him, but Jay held her hips still, preventing any movement. Hobi continued his delicate assault, watching her throw her head back against Jay's shoulder.

"So sweet," he mumbled against her, the vibrations shooting straight up her spine before he dove back in for another taste.

As his movements grew sloppier, Emmy's moans grew louder. Jay angled his head to nibble at her earlobe, somehow flicking his tongue in time with Hobi's below.

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