Chapter 17- Double Date

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"This heat is disrespectful," Jay heard Emmy whine through the open window. He watched as she cut herbs from her garden, wiping her brow in a combination of disgust and frustration. Late July on the island brought the rainy season, but that by no means should be confused for cooler weather. Instead, the hellish heat became muggy and humid, causing the poor pregnant woman to be ever the more irritable.

"Did you get everything?" Hobi asked from behind. Jay nodded, and they shared a conspiratorial look before Emmy stormed back in the door, slightly out of breath, mumbling about how inconvenient stairs were in this day and age.

Hobi followed the huffing woman into the bedroom, where she set up her collapsible altar and lined up her freshly cut herbs before treading to the closet and pulling out other supplies.

"What are you up to, princess?" he asked from the doorway, watching as she cast a circle.

"A protection spell," she told him as she finished calling her corners. "I'm not entirely sure how effective it'll be, considering I would usually call upon the goddess to protect someone during a pregnancy, and that would be... myself."

"Magick is all about intention, is it not?" he asked, sitting at the foot of the bed. "I can't see anything more powerful than the eternal mother directing her energy into protecting her child and home."

He always knew what to say. It calmed her, having him there watching over her. She would use that calmness to direct her energy as precisely as possible. To her, this was the most crucial protection spell she had ever done.

She began by lighting her wax warmer, already filled with her favorite jasmine-scented wax. Then, she took a moment to meditate, directing her thoughts within, letting Hobi's soothing presence wash over her and encourage her further. Once she was suitably focused, she took scrap paper, wrote down her intentions one by one, and separated them into individual strips.

She used smoke from jasmine incense to cleanse her jar before adding her herbs one at a time. Rosemary, parsley, and oregano all played a part, as well as her favorite herb: lavender. Next, she dropped in a small black obsidian crystal for protection, a small moonstone for health and fertility, and finally, a pinch of salt to enhance the two.

She reached for her strips of paper and verbalized her intentions out loud, well aware of her silent partner watching each step, then dropping each piece into the jar.

"I will have a healthy pregnancy. I will have a safe delivery. My child will be protected from any evil or harm, seen or unseen. My home will be protected and a safe haven for all friends who enter. I banish any negative energy."

When the final words were spoken, Emmy closed the lid and sealed it with the melted wax.

She stood and closed the circle, squaring her shoulders. Of course, she couldn't predict or control everything that might happen, but doing something, even small, made her feel more at peace.

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