Chapter 22- Two Hot to Handle

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She had been kicked out of her own home.

Temporarily, of course, but Emmaline sulked at the front counter of the bookstore nonetheless. She tried a few times to sneak around and look through the open door at the top of the staircase to find out what was happening. Unfortunately, somebody would always catch her every time she tried.

Alexi stifled a laugh at his boss's expense, finding humor in her ever-growing softness since becoming pregnant. He always found Emmy to be the strongest woman he knew. She had come up from the ashes, much like a phoenix, to make her life what it was now. She took the death of her parents, the lowest of lows, and used it to make her dream a reality.

She took charge of everything that she did and was one of the best bosses he ever had. Her only flaw, in his eyes, was that she tended to look after others at the expense of herself. She was kind-hearted but never let anyone hurt those closest to her. If anyone even dared to try, she would burn them to a crisp.

Now, however, said phoenix was sullen, having been bossed around and evicted by her partners. She was told, in no uncertain terms, that she was not to return any earlier than 6pm.

He had no clue what those two had up their sleeves, but he was happy to see they were making Emmy take it easy. They weren't so bad, Hobi and Jay.

They were, however, bad at cooking. That much was more than noticeable when Emmy heard the shrill sound of her fire alarm from the floor above.

"What are you doing, idiot?" Alexi shouted as Emmy rushed up the stairs, him hot on her tail. "If there's a fire, you're supposed to run OUT of the building, not further in!"

She threw the door open and sprinted through the entryway into the kitchen, where she found Jay using a cookie sheet to fan the smoke detector while Hobi rinsed out a scorched pan in the sink.

"At least I still have a job," Alexi muttered with a roll of his eyes as he left, returning to his shift at the bookstore.

"Uh... you weren't supposed to be here until 6!" Hobi let out a shaky laugh, the pan slipping out of his hand and into the sink basin with a clank.

Emmy had never laughed so hard in her life. Something about those two, donned in her aprons, running around her kitchen like chickens with their heads cut off, made her smile. They were a chaotic mess, but they were HER chaotic mess.

They both stood in front of her, heads down like children getting scolded, as they explained what had transpired. They wanted to make her a special dinner and have a romantic night in, but there was a small grease fire when cooking the lamb and the bread burned in the oven while they tried to taper down the flames.

"Alright, I'll attempt to salvage the pan. Why don't you guys order something for dinner instead?" she told them with a clap, pulling her sleeves up and grabbing some vinegar and baking soda to try and scrub off the scorched black skillet.

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