Chapter 14- Oh My Goddess

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"I'm telling you, Issa, it's the worst PMS I've ever had in my life. The doc said it could take up to 6 months for my cycle to go away completely with the new minipill, but I'm not sure if it's worth it with how irregular they've been and how bad the PMS is! I've eaten every ounce of chocolate in the house, and Hobi and Jay were giving me weird looks last week when I told them to buy 3 bags of mini meatballs and a bunch of shredded cheese from the store. I know they've only been here a little over a month, and they've never gotten to experience PMS Emmy before, but they've lived like a bazillion lives with me. I can't imagine I was that different back then."

Emmy chatted away on the phone while she microwaved more meatballs. She couldn't convince either of the guys to eat them for dinner, but every day for the last week, without fail, she's had the same meal for lunch: plain mini meatballs with shredded cheddar cheese. Her mouth was watering just thinking about it.

Hobi and Jay watched her finish the call and devour her lunch with an unladylike gusto, wiggling in her seat from the joy of her meal. They couldn't understand the excitement of frozen meatballs with nothing on them besides shredded cheese, but what their goddess wanted, she got.

When she joined them on the couch, full and content, with nothing more that needed to be done for the day, the two happily pulled her to lay across both of their laps. Hobi scratched her scalp and ran his fingers through her hair, which had quickly become one of her favorite things in the world. Jay brushed his hands up and down her calves, sending her flirty looks as he noticed the goosebumps appear on her flesh.

Emmy turned her head into Hobi's stomach to hide her rosy cheeks and got a good whiff of the fabric softener they used. That's when it hit her. Her stomach churned, and she immediately worried she would lose her lunch. She sat up with a quickness and pressed her hand to her mouth, trying to hold it in. She took a few deep breaths, and it started to calm down, but she still felt unsettled.

"Are you okay, princess?" Hobi asked, running his hand over her shoulders.

"I don't feel very good," she answered, closing her eyes and taking a few more deep breaths.

"You aren't feverish," Jay said, touching her forehead and neck. "Do you want me to get anything?"

"No, I think it's passing. It'll be--"

And then she ran.

She barely made it to the bathroom in time before she started heaving. Emmaline always HATED throwing up, ever since she was a child, and what she hated even more, was anyone seeing or hearing her throw up. But, of course, it was inevitable, with Hobi and Jay hot on her tail.

Hobi lovingly held her hair back as well as any drunk girl in a club bathroom ever could. Jay wet a washcloth, wiped her face when she was finished, and then helped her to her feet again.

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