Chapter 33- Hell's Fury

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"Emmy!" the group chorused, rushing to her side, hands hovering over her body as they looked for injuries.

Jimin pressed his fingers to her pulse and brought his ear to her mouth. "She's breathing!"

"This one's not," Jin said wide-eyed, looking around frantically. "How? What just happened?"

"Every power goes both ways," Namjoon whispered, deep in thought, with his voice barely audible to anyone.

"What's he muttering?" Jungkook leaned into the high priest with a furrowed brow. "You okay?"

"Jay said once that every power goes both ways. They could draw animals near or send them away. They could make plants grow or cause them to shrivel up. She could heal, which is giving life, in a way. So that means--"

"She could take life away," Taehyung finished the thought.

"There's no time for this now. Let's get Em inside," Yoongi muttered, pushing Jungkook towards the fragile-looking woman.

"Guys!" Alexi stopped them. They all turned in the direction he pointed to witness Miryam crumble into a pile of dusty ash. Where there used to be a woman was now nothing but dust blowing in the wind, and wrinkled clothes piled in a heap, almost as if she never existed to begin with. They all stood staring, trying to comprehend what seemed like an illusion, but was, in fact, a stark reality. Casimira, someone they had known for years, killed two members of their coven. She nearly killed a third and then provoked the return of Emmy's full powers, causing her own destruction.

"Get her inside, Jungkook. We've got to call Anisa to check on the baby," Namjoon broke their trance. It was too much to take in at once. The death of their friends and coven members, Emmy's full powers restoring, Casimira transforming and then disintegrating before their very eyes... Namjoon stepped up, trying to keep everyone together, if only for Emmy's sake. She would need them now more than ever.

The men all helped get Emmy situated in the house, placing her in bed so Jimin could give her a once-over. He checked closer for any cuts or other outward injuries, worried explicitly about her head after a potential fall, but he found none. He didn't have his medical bag with him to check her blood pressure, but her heart rate seemed normal, and her breathing steady.

Anisa got to the house in record time, speeding across town to ensure her friend was safe. Panting, she threw the lingering men out of the bedroom and began her exam on both Emmy as well as the baby. The pregnant woman remained asleep for the duration of her exam, not waking no matter how much she was moved or jostled.

After what seemed like hours, Anisa exited the bedroom and closed the door behind her, facing the crowd of men waiting in the hallway with a somber face.

"They're both okay," she mumbled. "I don't even see signs of a fall on her or the baby. My best guess is that her mind is protecting itself for now. She couldn't handle everything that was happening, so she fell unconscious until her nervous system had time to regulate. I'll stay with her and watch to make sure there are no changes, but we should let her rest as long as possible. Once she wakes up, she's going to have a lot to face."

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