Chapter 38- Handfasting

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"You look nervous," Jin teased the bride as she paced in front of him. "You act like you haven't been with them forever, and I mean that literally. Why're you so worked up?"

"I don't know," Emmaline dropped to a chair, careful not to get her dress wrinkled. Her dark, cascading waves draped over her shoulders, and a beautiful golden headpiece with crystal stars sat on top of her head. "It's a formality, really. For some reason, my heart's racing, and I can't sit still. I'm just..."

Jin lifted an eyebrow, encouraging her to continue. "Juuuust?"

"I'm ready to be bound to them, I guess." Emmy wrung her hands together and inspected her long emerald green and metallic gold accented nails. "We were separated for so long that now I want to be tied to them in every possible way. I want to be totally and completely theirs."

Verina peeked her head into the back, shooting them both a smile. "Oh, Emmaline, aren't you just as pretty as a peach!"

Emmy looked down and grinned, thanking the woman. She was a blushing bride if there ever was one.

The high priestess had graciously let Emmy set up camp in her metaphysical shop before the ceremony so she could get ready. It was a short walk from there to Driftwood Beach, where she, Jay, and Hobi would be saying their vows. Verina looked lovely in a long, navy blue dress and a glowing smile. "You two ready? I'm going to head on down. Give it about two minutes, and you can follow!"

Jin stood, keeping an eye on his watch and bringing Emmy to her feet. The sunset was just beginning, and the beautiful purple, orange, and blue hues were taking over the sky. He put reassuring hands on her shoulders and ducked down to look into her glittering eyes. "You know I love you, right?"

"Jinnie, I swear to god, if you make me cry, I'm going to punch you!" Emmy looked up, trying to hold in the tears that threatened her makeup. "But I love you, too. Thanks for this."

"Anytime. Besides, when else will you have the opportunity to walk down the aisle with someone so handsome!" Jin laughed as Emmy swatted him. Then, for a moment, he dropped the overly confident mask he had donned just moments before. His eyes glistened as he looked at one of his best friends as she was getting ready to be handfasted with the loves of her life. "I wish I had someone who looked at me the way those two look at you."

"And how do they look at me?" Emmy straightened his tie needlessly.

"Like you hung the moon," Jin's sweet smile was infectious.

"Well, to be fair, I did sort of have something to do with that when we helped form the mortal realm, but semantics," Emmy got the loud, howling laugh out of Jin that she was looking for.

When it was time, Jin looped her arm through his own and squeezed it with his steady hand as they walked out of the store and around to the beach entrance. The dunes covered her view of the beach where Jay and Hobi would be waiting for her, with their closest friends present to witness. Jin would be walking her in and then officiating the ceremony. Most of the time, that duty would fall on the high priest, but even Namjoon agreed it would be weird having an ex officiate her wedding, no matter how well he, Hobi, and Jay got along now.

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