Chapter 25- Wrath of a Goddess

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While their dates were always a fantastic escape from reality, they eventually had more work to do. The following week was spent prepping for the big Labor Day weekend sale at the bookstore. They had to ensure all of their shelves were well stocked with the newest releases and everything was clean and presentable, so customers were more inclined to stay and look around.

As much as she wished they could be closed for the holiday, they simply couldn't afford it. She did offer Alexi the day off, but he said he would prefer to work. Emmy was glad she was at least able to offer a good working environment for him. So, instead of closing, they decided to make this holiday sale one for the books. At least, that was what they hoped.

Sales, unfortunately, were still going down. No matter how much she hoped that Books-a-Dozen's popularity would decrease, the numbers spoke otherwise. Emmaline was close to taking Mr. Gulliver up on his offer to buy out the store. If it was her alone, she would gladly take the risk and keep the shop open until its last breath, but she had more than just herself to think about now. She had Hobi and Jay and, of course, their tiny nugget to look out for.

When Alexi overheard her saying as much to the guys, he practically jumped down her throat. He didn't want to see her lose what she had worked so hard to build over the years. He even offered to take a pay cut in hopes that it would be enough to keep the store afloat, but she refused his offer. She could never do that to him, and it wouldn't be enough to keep things going, anyway. They needed a miracle.

Jay and Hobi agreed with Alexi, however. So, for now, she was still on the fence. She didn't want to make any drastic decisions, but she also didn't want to have to worry about this when she was about to give birth or on maternity leave. Jay said he and Hobi could get jobs elsewhere to bring in more income if it came down to it, but they weren't going to let her give up the bookstore. Not unless they ran out of every other option.

For the moment, though, it was all about getting people in the door, and one of her favorite ways of doing that was her Kiddy Circles. She, or whoever was available, would read to the island kids, who all looked forward to coming out. It was a great way to keep kids interested in reading while also getting their parents in the door to potentially make some purchases.

This weekend, Taehyung was supposed to come in to read for the big sale. The kids absolutely ADORED him. He was easily their favorite storyteller because he made sure to do all the voices perfectly and got the kids involved. At the last minute, though, he came down with a bug and couldn't make it, so Jin stepped up to fill in for him.

Emmy leaned against the counter, watching Jin animatedly read Where the Wild Things Are to the kids. Hobi and Jay decided to help him out and were basically putting on children's theatre, acting out the scenes for the twenty-something kids who sat cross-legged on the floor in front of them. It was the last book for the evening, but the children were far from bored. If anything, they seemed disappointed that it was almost over.

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