Epilogue- That Old Black Magick

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The remainder of Emmaline, Hobi, and Jay's mortal lives were undoubtedly lived to the fullest. They could finally live the authentic human experience without the threat of a destined tragedy hanging over their heads. Before their curse, they had a detached knowledge of the human race. They had built and governed the mortal realm but never had they understood the genuine way of life on the mortal side of the veil until they were thrust into it against their will. They encountered all of the joys, pleasures, and memorable moments that life had to offer, but that didn't mean they didn't have their fair share of difficulties.

One such difficulty was Emmy's raging fertility. Her body was still very much human, but her soul was that of the Triple Goddess, who reigned over fertility, motherhood, and sexuality. Before summoning the Horned God into existence, her body only recognized the fundamental laws of human nature. However, her power began blooming once Jay and Hobi came into the picture.

Within a year of their handfasting ceremony, Emmy was pregnant once again, this time with twins. Much like the birth control pill that Emmy was on at Duri's conception, they found that other forms of contraceptive were equally ineffective with her body. She had a contraceptive implant in her arm meant to prevent pregnancy with 99% efficacy for three years when she discovered she was pregnant with Solara and Selina.

She should have been tipped off by Hobi and Jay's over-attentiveness, but as with her first pregnancy, she was clueless. Side effects from the implant could last for months, including your period stopping, breast tenderness, mood swings, and nausea.

When she found out, she was livid. She wanted to live her life with her small family for a while before expanding, but it looked like her body wasn't giving her much choice in the matter. So immediately upon her positive pregnancy test, Emmy had her implant removed and began plans to build an addition to her home. She had planned on expanding the bookstore soon, anyway, but with more kids on the way, she would also need more space for them. Her identical twin daughters made all the scary nights of planning and worrying worth it, though. They brought so much light into their lives.

Each of the children had a very distinct personality. Much like his favorite uncle, Duri was a quiet baby. He rarely cried and was more interested in observing. As he moved into childhood, he settled even more into that role. He had a big heart and felt his emotions strongly, but he was soft-spoken and introverted in most cases. He loved books, which delighted Emmy, and he loved anything to do with music. He had a heart for helping others, especially his baby sisters, who he doted on, much to the girls' annoyance.

Solara and Selina were a force to be reckoned with. They were loud, silly, dramatic, and passionate, much like their fathers. Solara tended to favor Jay, both in looks and personality. Her hair was dark as night, and she picked up sarcasm much earlier than Emmy ever thought a child could. Selina, on the other hand, favored Hobi in most respects. Her striking white hair made her stand out in a crowd, and she loved the attention it brought her.

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