Chapter 18- Witch's Burn

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As the weeks passed and her belly grew, she became increasingly frustrated with her wardrobe. She attacked her closet, swiping hangers left and right, attempting to find something, ANYTHING, to wear for their date that night.

"At this rate, you'll have to take me out in my sweats," she called from the closet as Jay and Hobi, seated at the foot of her bed, watched her get ready. The two had made reservations at her favorite Cuban restaurant for dinner, but it might turn into pizza in bed if she didn't find something to wear! With a not-so-subtle huff, she swiped back through her dress options for what felt like the millionth time, growing progressively dejected with each discarded garment.

"Let me," Hobi said, kissing her shoulder before turning her out of her closet with a pat on her peachy butt for good measure.

"Okay, but make sure it's not too short! The boobs and belly make all of my dresses several inches shorter," she sat at her vanity, caressing her stomach.

A few weeks ago, she wished her bump would be more noticeable, and now she was annoyed that it was. It was as if the second trimester had hit, and BOOM! The belly suddenly made its debut. It wasn't large, the doctor said she was at a healthy weight, but between her cup size increase and the added few inches around her waist, all of her shirts were suddenly crop tops. She found herself wearing Jay and Hobi's shirts, more often than not, with a pair of leggings. It was an inconvenience to her, but the guys loved watching her flit around the house in their clothes.

She started curling her hair, taming the existing waves into something more uniform, and running some serum through the strands to combat the unavoidable frizz that comes with the humidity. The heat would be easing within the next month or two, but it couldn't come soon enough, in her opinion. She thought there was a special circle in hell where people were tortured by being pregnant during the summer.

Hobi returned from the closet with a dress she hadn't worn in years. In fact, she was fairly certain she had it stored away in one of the bins at the top of her closet. It was a gift from Anisa, if she remembered correctly, that she wasn't fond of. The hem hit the wrong place, and it overall didn't look the best on her, but she couldn't bring herself to return it. Plus, she knew one day her friend would ask about it, and if it was MIA, Emmy would have hell to pay.

She pulled a face but otherwise didn't say anything. It wasn't as if she had many more options. He hung the dress on the door as she finished getting ready.

Emmy began her makeup routine, dabbing her concealer on in the shape of her protection sigil. She swiped a circle on the tip of her nose with an adjacent crescent moon, finishing with three dashes going through and extending from its center. She blended the concealer out and finished the rest of her face, keeping her makeup light, other than a bold red lip. The dark crimson shade was her go-to when an extra boost was needed to make her feel sexy.

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