Chapter 16- Witch Way is Up?

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"How are you feeling, kitten?" Jay asked, rubbing Emmaline's back as she curled next to him on the couch. She rubbed her feet together the way she did when she cuddled as a child and closed her eyes, letting his comforting touch soothe her.

"The second trimester can't come soon enough." Her morning sickness had a way of ruining any good day, including the one she had been looking forward to since she found out she was pregnant.

Her first prenatal visit was in about an hour, and she had barely managed to pull herself away from the bathroom for the morning. She'd tried all the tricks in the book when it came to the morning sickness from hell. Ginger tea? Tasted great, but didn't help at all. Eating crackers before getting out of bed? Made her sick even faster. Day or night, if the universe decided it was time for morning sickness to strike, she would have to suffer through it. Turns out, even goddesses weren't exempt from that particular pregnancy symptom.

Hobi walked over with another gratuitous cup of ginger tea, which she sipped at, hoping and praying that she wouldn't puke all over the floor of the OBGYN's office. What a way to make a first impression.

When the time came, Emmy pulled herself together and dressed in something comfortable and easy to remove. Hobi had taken it upon himself to research the best doctors both on and off the island, checking patient reviews as well as available services. He drove the three of them to the highly recommended office that was luckily located near the center of town, only a few miles away from their home.

Emmaline took a deep breath, both to soothe her nerves and nausea, as she took in Dr. Kenji's office. Like most buildings in the historic district of the island, the clinic was a two-story home built in the late 1800s that had been repurposed. The landscaping around the entrance was neat and trim, and live oaks dripping with Spanish moss lined the back of the property.

The waiting room lacked the antiseptic smell she usually associated with doctor's offices. She couldn't tell if that was a bad sign or a blessing, considering the sensitivity of her nose as of late. She signed in at the front desk and took a seat on one of several couches lining the wall, Hobi and Jay flanking her on either side.

Emmy eyed the other patients around the room. Some were very obviously pregnant, others either in the early stages or not pregnant at all. A few very flustered men flitted around the room, ensuring their partners had water or a magazine, anything to make them more comfortable. While it was adorable seeing the jittery men tend to their significant others, she much preferred the steady consistency that both Jay and Hobi offered.

Her men weren't easily flustered or nervous about what was to come. Instead, they were like rocks: steady and unmoving. The waves coming for her sometimes seemed overwhelming, but those two never let her get pulled under. If she felt like she couldn't handle the world, they happily took over until she was ready again. If she was anxious, they soothed her. If she was sick and grumpy, they took it in stride. As much as she felt she was a strong, independent woman, she felt even stronger with them around.

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