Chapter 3- Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

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The air felt thicker than usual as Emmaline walked to the entrance of the woods behind her house, where she usually cast her circles. She lived a few miles away from the coast but could still smell the ocean in the air. Even in the evening, the intense humidity you only experienced living on an island was enough to make you glisten.

Carrying her portable altar and a large basket filled with her usual materials, she managed not to fall as she stumbled through the dark night. The only light sources were from the moon and the small lamp on the back porch, which was a reasonable distance away. When she found her usual spot, she put down her things and knelt on the ground, focusing her energy on the task at hand. She was excited for the night to come, to be sure, but she also needed to maintain her focus.

She was always more connected to the elements when she practiced magick outdoors. Nature brought its own energy that mingled with her own, and that night was no exception. Emmaline had done circles indoors before, especially if the weather made it challenging to keep candles lit, but being outside tonight made her feel more alive than ever. The energy surrounding her was almost tangible as it vibrated and pulsed.

She rolled out a blanket on the ground, unfolding the legs of her altar directly in the center. She dug through her basket and pulled out the sea salt, sprinkling it clockwise around the perimeter of her circle, cleansing and protecting it.

One by one, she pulled out her elemental representations and laid them in each of the four corners, calling the elements to join her circle and aid her magick.

To the north, she placed a bundle of dried lavender tied with a brown string. "I call on the element of earth. Allow me your strength and stability in my magick."

To the east, she placed a feather, holding it down with a stone so it wouldn't blow away. "I call on the element of air. Allow me your wisdom and inspiration in my magick."

To the south, she placed a lantern, lighting the red candle within. "I call on the element of fire. Allow me your passion and protection in my magick."

She laid a small driftwood bowl to the west, pouring in a small amount of local seawater. "I call on the element of water. Allow me your purity and intuition in my magick."

Sitting in the center of her newly formed circle, Emmaline closed her eyes and focused her energy. "I ask the Triple Goddess and Horned God to join my circle. Please guide me in all things and allow balance in my magick."

Once Emmaline finished casting her circle, she placed offerings to the god and goddess on the altar. She pulled two chalices from her basket and filled them with wine. This was an offering designated for special occasions, but she always was sure to select a quality wine from a local vineyard. Between the chalices, she laid apples, rosemary, and a couple of her favorite chocolates.

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