Chapter 10- Something Wicked This Way Comes

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Emmy rocked on the balls of her feet as she knocked on the large wooden door. When it swung open, a tall man smiled broadly and kissed her cheek, pulling her in for a bone-crushing hug.

"Come in, come in," he said, standing aside and gesturing for everyone to enter. The place was already full. Everyone else had arrived before them, so Hobi and Jay stood by the door as Emmy walked further in to greet everyone.

"Jin? Taehyung?" Namjoon said, walking around to sit in the center of the unoccupied couch, legs spread and sporting a dark look. It was then that the identical men noticed something was off, but before they could address it, Jin and Taehyung grabbed them, pinning their arms behind their backs and locking their grip tight. They tried to use their magick, their strength, anything to set themselves free, but it was no use. For some reason, their powers weren't working, and they had no way to escape.

Emmy eyed everything going on and turned to Namjoon, tugging at her ear. The man radiated rage, despite his silence, with his intense stare and clenched fists.

"Come here, babygirl," he said, and she shuffled forward until she stood before him. His jaw clenched as he looked up into her timid eyes. He pushed his shoulders back and his chest out, letting the apprehension in the air settle. "You've been naughty, bringing these two here. Now tell me, is it them you really want? Or me?" he asked, eyeing her wringing hands.

Emmy glanced back to Jay and Hobi, looking torn.

"Don't look at them," Namjoon said. "Look at me. Now tell me, who do you belong to?"

Her eyes darted around, and her voice was trembling. "You."

Hobi screeched in defiance, and Jay thrashed in his captor's arms, but it was no use. No one even spared them a glance.

"You, who?" Namjoon asked. His head tilted back as a slow smirk spread across his face, his white teeth peeking out behind full lips.

"You, daddy," she replied, not meeting his eyes.

Namjoon hummed, standing up and moving to tower over the girl. "Now I think you need a punishment, don't you agree? For bringing them to my house and daring to think you could choose them over me? I think we need to show them who you really belong to."

He pulled her head back by the hair, and she moaned, eyes fluttering closed. He slammed his mouth against hers, a harsh and needy kiss, and again, no one reacted to Jay and Hobi's protests. It was like they were a fly on the wall, forced to watch their deepest fear come true. The only acknowledgment they received was Namjoon's mocking eyes on their own as he ravished the woman they loved.

Namjoon took a step back and started removing his clothes, and, to their utter dismay, Emmy followed suit.

"You don't mind if the guys watch, do you, babygirl? You know Yoongi always likes a good show."

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