Chapter 5- Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

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"I have no idea what you're talking about," Emmy said, leaning away from him. Plead the fifth all day, she was not admitting to anything, although their astuteness made her wonder if this was one of the memories they were referring to or if she was just an open book.

"Ah ah ah!" Hobi sing-songed from behind her. "It was a yes or no question. If you aren't going to answer it, that means I get a reward."

Emmy's buzz made her giggle, her rich, brown hair falling in her face as she did. "How should I reward you, Hobi?"

When he didn't immediately respond, she looked over her shoulder and saw him running his hand over his face in thought, thumb swiping over his mouth in a way that made her gaze fall to the tiny freckle on his upper lip.

She turned her body towards him when her neck started to feel cramped from craning in that position. She barely had time to get herself situated before he pulled her by the thighs into his lap in one swift movement. Her face heated, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she continued straddling him while staring into his eyes like a woman hypnotized.

He looked up at her with a flirtatious smile that made her stomach flutter. "I'll take a kiss as my reward."

If it was Jay, she probably would have kissed his cheek just to tease him or used her veto to see what he would do. Hobi, though, did something to her. Something about him made her want to comply, if only because he asked her to.

Giving in to her desire to obey him, she leaned down, draped her arms over his shoulders, and pressed her lips to his. It could have been a simple, innocent kiss. That was her intention, at least. At the start, it was nothing more than a soft and gentle peck, albeit lingering. Then, just as she started to pull away, he threaded his fingers through her hair and pulled her face back down to continue the kiss, using her gasp of surprise to deepen it. He savored the taste of her strawberry lip balm and how her body instinctively responded to him.

It was unlike anything Emmaline had ever experienced before. Never considering herself a prude, she'd kissed her fair share of guys in her lifetime. Some were great, and some were total duds, but all of them paled in comparison to this.

Something about the way his lips moved with hers sent shockwaves through her body. His strong hands never wandered, but she could feel him everywhere. Not an inch of skin was left unaffected.

When his grip loosened and she was able to pull back, her mind was in a haze, more than the alcohol had given her so far. She was drunk, alright, but drunk on HIM. 

His bright smile and light taps on the back of her thighs broke her trance, and she scurried away once she noticed she was still straddling him.

Seated once again on her own, she faced Jay, who looked much too entertained. She scowled at him, but her red face didn't make it look very intimidating. "I'm guessing you two are done with your questions, then?" She raised an eyebrow at them, feigning an air of indifference, but internally was more than a little flustered.

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