Chapter 4- Witching Hour

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Emmaline had finished the goblet of wine before they ever reached the back stairs of the house, and she knew that would only be the first of many glasses that night.

She tossed her hat on the counter as she let the guys inside, locking the door behind her. The two men rummaged through her home, putting her things away, not at all in the places she usually stored them, but she didn't have the mental capacity to deal with that yet. First, more wine.

She poured a glass and thought over everything that had happened over the last hour with a combination of wonder and skepticism. She knew what she saw, and those two men were exactly who they said they were. No creature had that kind of power in them or that kind of knowledge. The fact that they were the living embodiments of her dream man confused her, though. Did she make them look that way because, in her mind's eye, that was the definition of the perfect man? Or, instead, was she having clairvoyant dreams of Hobi and Jay, predicting their appearance in her life?

Despite believing what they told her of themselves, she was adamantly against the idea that she was the goddess. Wouldn't she have seen more evidence of it somewhere if she was? She was just an ordinary girl. A witch, yes, but normal nonetheless. At the same time, though, if a magickal being claimed to be a god and was insistent that you were the reincarnated embodiment of his goddess, who was she to say otherwise?

After finishing the glass, Emmy mindlessly washed the goblet and put it away. She leaned forward against the kitchen counter, rubbing the ache forming in her temples. What was she supposed to do with two men who just popped up out of nowhere?

Before she had time to give that much thought, someone pressed against her from behind. They brushed her wavy hair away from her neck while an arm snaked around her waist.

"Why don't you come and sit with us for a while?" the gravelly voice whispered in her ear, shooting electricity down her spine. The hand that wasn't hugging her close drifted down the length of her arm. It was a touch that could be misconstrued as chaste but elicited thoughts that were anything but.

She watched the dark-haired figure walk away and instinctively reached for more wine, popping the cork and taking a swig straight from the bottle to bolster her confidence. Just one of these men would be a lot to handle, but two? Somebody save her.

She found the near-identical men seated on the floor of her living room, and she sat to join them, placing the fresh wine bottle between them to share. While the couch was infinitely more comfortable, it also afforded no real space nor a way to keep her eyes on both of them as they talked.

"So we were thinking," Hobi started with a small, sweet smile.

"If you've had dreams of us, maybe they were memories and not just normal dreams," Jay finished with a much less innocent-looking smile than his doppelganger.

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