Chapter 8- It Takes Two

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Emmaline woke up grumpy the following morning. It wasn't unusual since she never considered herself a morning person, but usually, she didn't have Hobi's peppy voice singing around her bedroom like Gene Kelly.

She wouldn't have been quite so irritable if she'd managed to get even a shred of quality sleep the night before, but lady luck wasn't on her side.

Once they got home from the mall the previous day, they spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking everything they had bought and setting up the guys' room. They placed an online order for a few things they couldn't find at the mall but were otherwise settled by nightfall.

Jay and Hobi tried every trick they could think of to convince Emmy to let them sleep in her room that evening. They used puppy dog eyes and smoldering looks, suggested their bed was too firm, and even said they were anxious about being alone. Eventually, she had to remind them they wouldn't actually be alone. They would have each other.

As attracted to them as she was, she needed her space and time to think. She itched for some kind of normalcy, having been thrown into a whole new world without preparation. She hoped that keeping her bed to herself, where she could have even an iota of peace, would calm her mind.

Boy, was she wrong!

She tossed and turned all night long. She stressed over every little thing. What were she, Hobi, and Jay? They wanted a title, but how would that work? How could she even introduce them to her friends, her coven? Will they be accepting of a relationship with multiple partners? Should she be telling them about who Hobi and Jay actually were? How does she manage to begin a relationship that is both brand new and also old as time?

Even when she wasn't over-analyzing everything that happened in such a short time, she was still abnormally restless. She felt a pull from the other room, one so tangible that it made her want to get up and crawl into the spare bed with the guys. It was like a string that was held taut, stressed from the distance. If she lessened the distance, the string could relax, and so would she. Still, she wondered if it was all in her head. Was this a legitimate physical reaction, or were the guys simply that magnetic? Would she always be this drawn to them?

It seemed like she had been asleep mere minutes when Hobi swung her curtains open, singing around the room for her to wake up. He must not have had the same trouble sleeping as she did. She was almost inclined to throw something at him in hopes that he would pass out and they both could get a few more hours of shut-eye, but her more aggressive thoughts were muted when Jay sat at the foot of the bed with a steaming hot cup of tea.

"You're a godsend," she told the man, who quirked an eyebrow at her choice of words and handed the mug over once she sat up.

The tea was strong and sweet, exactly how she liked it, and it almost... ALMOST... made her forget the rambunctious awakening from moments before. She let it go temporarily but made a mental note to get her retribution another time. After all, revenge was a dish best-served cold.

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