Chapter 9- Double Your Fun

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Emmy rocked on the balls of her feet as she knocked on the large wooden door. When it swung open, a tall man appeared and smiled broadly, eyes flickering between the three of them. His eyes brightened at the plant Emmy held up to him, and she giggled at the sight.

"Come in, come in," he said, standing aside and gesturing for everyone to enter, eyes barely leaving the plant he was holding. He mumbled something about naming it as they walked through the foyer into the living room. The place was already full. Everyone had arrived before them, and they turned to greet the newcomers with smiles and waves, trapping Emmy in bone-crushing hugs as if they hadn't seen her in ages.

"Jin? Taehyung?" Namjoon called, pulling the two away from Emmy and into the kitchen, where delectable smells were wafting from.

"Are you going to introduce us?" Jimin asked, ever the social butterfly. He took great pleasure in the reddening of her checks, elbowing Jungkook playfully.

"Ah, this is Hobi and Jay," she said, gesturing to each to differentiate. "I'll do full introductions once everyone's in here." Hobi shot her a look, and she nodded, knowing what they both wanted.

Just in time, the three men returned from the kitchen, Jin and Taehyung carrying trays of cocktails. Namjoon walked behind them, knowing he wasn't allowed to handle all those glasses with how clumsy he tends to be. They handed everyone an Aperol spritz and found a place to sit in the spacious seating area. Emmy figured it was now or never, placing her drink on the coffee table and wringing her hands in nervousness.

"So," she started, and everyone quieted down and turned to face her. "I have a lot to tell you guys about, but first, I need to ask that you keep an open mind and hear me out. Promise?"

Everyone gave her curious stares but agreed nonetheless. Jimin snickered to himself, already predicting what some of the talk would be about. He was still in for quite a few surprises, however.

"First, I'll introduce you guys to my coven. These are some of my best friends, so I hope you all get along. The first one there is Namjoon, this is his place, and as I told you before, he's the high priest of Bangtan Coven. He also works as a social worker here in town with the National Institute of Mental Health."

Namjoon smiled and shot a friendly wave to Hobi and Jay, hoping to make them comfortable in his home.

"Next is Jin. He's one of the elder witches in the coven, along with Yoongi next to him. Jin owns his own commercial fishing company, so if you ever want some fresh fish, he's your guy. Yoongi works as a computer programmer. I can't tell you the number of times he's saved one of our computers when it got a virus or something."

"Namjoon," Yoongi said, covering it with a cough and making everyone laugh.

"The next two are Jimin and Jungkook. You sort of met them earlier. Jimin is an RN and works at the clinic in town. Jungkook, or sometimes we call him JK, is a tattoo artist, a super talented one too. He designed everyone's coven tattoo--"

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