Chapter 11: The Calm before the Storm

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"They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite." ( Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince)

Third person POV

There was this general belief, a belief Kyle did not share, that talking was the first step to emotional healing. In fact, according to him, it all depended on who you chose as a depositary of your sorrows. Some people would find the right words straight away. Perhaps because they had gone through sufferings similar to yours, perhaps because they were good with words. Some people - the vast majority - would sympathise, but would prove terrible at comforting you, and hurt you without meaning it. 

A minority would take advantage of your vulnerable state to grind you down. 

The important thing, though, was the fact you were strong enough to share your problems with someone. It meant that you would eventually heal, regardless of others' support.

Talking wasn't the first step to emotional healing; the fact that you talked to someone proved that you had already started to heal. 

That was what Kyle thought. However, as he tried to convey his feelings to his mates, he actually found himself longing for their support and understanding. No matter how weak it made him seem, he needed them. He needed to be seen by them, heard by them, understood by them. 

Fucking neediness. 

"My relationship with my uncle wasn't - uhm - wasn't great, and honestly sleep was my only solace - that is, when nightmares didn't keep me awake."

Someone whimpered. He knew who it was. Nate.

He couldn't bring himself to look at the guy. Maybe because he was walking on eggshells around him. He was more relaxed around Darren. The protectiveness Darren always shown to Nate, he had begun to extend to Kyle as well. At this very moment, laying between the Alpha's legs, his back against his hard chest, provided him a sense of belonging he had never thought he would experience again. 

Of course, things were easier with Darren because he wasn't the one Kyle had assaulted, years ago. 

He was the strongest of the trio, and not just physically. 

"When you say your relationship with your uncle wasn't great... How bad was it, exactly?" Nate asked in a small voice, like he was afraid to hear the answer.

"Very bad." Kyle replied curtly, still without looking at him, and the Beta didn't press him further. 

Going into details meant telling them about the Suppressants and his Submissive nature. He probably would have to let them know at some point, but he wasn't ready yet. For years, he had been perceived as a Dominant Beta, a ruthless warrior and a lone wolf. Although deep down he didn't recognize himself in this picture his pack members had formed of him, he had gotten used to it. 

Somehow, the dominant slash aggressive Beta had become the mask he put on every day, to the point that it felt like it was now part of his identity. 

He wasn't sure anymore who he was under the mask.

If he took the mask off completely, would there still be someone under it worth it?

What happened when you broke the shell to find there wasn't anything left inside?

"There are some other things I need to tell you. You've probably guessed by now that I have secrets of my own. I will tell you just - just not today, okay?"

"That's okay, Kyle. Whenever you feel ready. Also, don't forget you don't have to tell us anything that makes you feel uncomfortable."

He nodded, willing himself to keep talking. Who knew when the three of them would have another intimate moment like this?

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