OLD VERSION Chapter 12: The traitor

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Nate's POV

Nate hadn't intended to kiss Kyle, not so soon and certainly not when his mate seemed on the verge of breaking down. He did not want to take advantage of one of his mate's rare moment of weakness. Could you blame him, though? Kyle, the invincible warrior, had looked so small and vulnerable that Nate had just wanted to comfort him. When his lips touched Kyle's plump ones, though, any idea of comfort vanished and Nate felt a surge of lust shaking him from head to toes. 

"You taste so good" he whispered seductively against his lips, making his mate blush slightly. "And stop blushing like a maid, you're making me want to do very nasty things to you. Kissing is nothing compared to what I have in mind"

Kyle was taller than Nate, but Nate only had to slightly raise his head to nibble his delectable lips. There was a problem, though. 

"Open up, Kyle"

But Kyle only shook his head stubbornly, although Nate could clearly smell his mate's growing arousal. 

Dominate him, his wolf growled animalistically. 

I don't think that's a good ide-

That's what mate wants! We know what mate wants!

Before Kyle even had the time to protest, Nate had shoved him roughly against the wall. His arms were at both sides of his mate's face, caging him, while he trapped him with his whole body. They were both panting now, their cheeks flushed. 

"Move" Kyle eventually said, though his tone lacked conviction. 

"IS IT what you want, what you really really want?" Nate sang with a fake high-pitched voice. 

Kyle laughed. "Way to ruin the mood, Nate"

"I just wanted to make you relax. You're so tense. We're just kissing, you know". 

"I'm not tense, it's just, I'm the manliest of the two, so I should be doing the kissing"

"Is that so, Kyle? Then go on, kiss me"

Kyle hesitated, seemingly torn between his need to kiss his mate and his own shyness. He tentatively put his lips on Nate's, gave him a very quick peck then immediately took a step back, looking even more flustered, if that was possible. Nate looked at him for a moment, a bewildered expression on his face, which gradually turned mischevious. 

"Is that what you call a kiss, Kyle dear?"

"Shut up, you asshole"

"Even teenagers can do better than that" Nate teased. 

"Stop making fun of me! I should have just left" Kyle growled, then tried to push past Nate but his mate suddenly grabbed his waist,  preventing him from leaving. Nate looked at Kyle intently, suddenly aware of the anxiety his mate was feeling, beneath the lust. 

"Sorry, I was just kidding" he said softly. " I find it extremely cute, you know. Just wait till Darren knows about it, he's going to devour you"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Kyle grumbled

"I'm talking about the fact that you are as pure as the driven snow"

To Nate's greatest surprise, Kyle did not even try to deny it, but suddenly looked very interested in the sight of his bare feet. 

"I am going to show you how to kiss your mate. Just follow my lead" Nate whispered, his arms tightening around Kyle. 

"Why are you talking like you're so much better? You can't even get your own mate to open his mouth for you" Kyle replied with a hint of challenge in his voice. 

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