OLD VERSION Chapter 13: Nobody touches what is mine

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"I could never hurt him enough to make his betrayal stop hurting. And it hurts, in every part of my body."   (Veronica Roth, Insurgent)

Kyle's POV

Nate had stopped playing, and he was now sporting a very serious expression on his face. Kyle could feel himself growing anxious, not knowing what was going on. 

"What's happening, Nate? What is it with the sudden change of mood?"

"It's Darren"

Kyle grimaced. He really did not like the fact that his mates were already mated and could talk without him, probably sometimes about him, through their special link. But this would change once the three of them were mated. And this was bound to happen, sooner or later. Right? Right?

"What's wrong with Darren?"

"I don't know Kyle, he is not telling me. But he is summoning us in the tent, along with Noura and Yanis"


"Now, of course"

This could only mean that something very bad was happening, or had happened already. Noura and Yanis were both commanders in chief of the pack's special unit, and Darren would never summon them just to chit-chat over a cup of tea, knowing how busy both of them always were. Who knows, maybe the traitor had been found? Hopefully, Darren had not changed his mind and started to suspect Kyle because, no matter how fair and patient Darren usually was, he would never forgive traitors. Betraying your own pack was one of the worst things you could do. Thankfully, werewolves were very loyal by nature, so it was very rare for these kinds of things to happen. That's why it was essential that traitors were shown no mercy and killed immediately, if their betrayal was proven. Kyle was not sure Darren would make an expection, even for his own mate. What if someone had made up a fake story about Kyle's involvement? He knew there were many people within the pack who hated his guts and wanted him gone. But Kyle could not complain, though. It was his own fault. It was his fault if...

"Stop it". Nate grabbed his arm firmly, forcing him to a stop. 

"What are you talking about?" Kyle asked innocently. 

"Stop torturing yourself. I don't know what's going on but we will figure it out together. And I know Darren might be a bit cold sometimes, but he would never let something bad happen to you"

Kyle felt himself blinking furiously. "You don't know that".

"I know it" Nate insisted. Because he and I have no secrets for each other. I can't say the same thing about you, though". 

Only a few weeks earlier, Kyle would have get mad at that comment, because Nate had no right to demand that he just open up to them, not when they had been - and rightfully so- ignoring him for all those years. Now, it was different, though. Kyle could not help but be slightly ashamed, because somehow Nate and Darren were putting more efforts into this mating thing than he was. They wanted it to work, but Kyle was not doing much to help. He could not bring himself to be honest with them, no matter how hard he tried. He was just too used to hide and keep secrets. 

"I don't have anything against you or Darren, Nate. I am not doing it on purpose, I just... I can't..."

"Shhh, it's okay" Nate replied with a soften tone. " I know we will fix it, don't worry. Now, let's go to the tent, I can feel Darren getting impatient. We will talk about it later"

They made their way to the big brown tent, which  was standing slightly outside of the campsite. Kyle's eyes widened at the unexpected sight inside the tent and immediately felt Nate stiffening at his sides. Noura and Yanis were both standing with crossed arms and, crouched on their feet and heavily chained, was a very pale-looking Alex. 

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