OLD VERSION Chapter 1: The Summoning

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"We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin." - Andre Berthiaume.

Kyle looked intently at his body in the mirror. Crap, he thought. He was getting slender. The effects of the pills were wearing off. Sure, he was still very muscular and people would think he was tired because he was training so hard. Still, he had to be careful. None could know, that's what his uncle had kept telling him when Kyle went through puberty, to find out that, beta or not, he was a submissive. See, no matter your rank, you could be a dominant or a submissive even though it was very rare for alphas to be subs or for omegas to be doms.

Technically, there was nothing wrong in being a sub. But for Kyle's uncle it was unthinkable, and he had taught Kyle the hard way. So, Kyle had started to train his body to exhaustion and his uncle even managed to get him suppressant pills, which were technically forbidden and could only be found on the black market, because of their side-effects. It goes without saying that is uncle did not care much for his nephew's mental health. As long as the pills could prevent Kyle's body from getting slightly curved and Kyle from getting a baby-maker, it was all that mattered. Of course, no one knew the living hell Kyle was going through, nor did they care. Deep down, Kyle was still a sub, but he looked nothing like it. He sounded defiant, aggressive, powerful and was almost as feared as Darren.

"Sir? Alpha Darren wants to see you".

"On my way".

Kyle left the tent with his habitual poker face on. He walked through the camp, heading for the Alpha's. He supposed Darren wanted to discuss their military strategy. They were at war against the Downhill pack, who had their camp on the other side of the river. It made little sense, though. They had already discussed every strategic detail until two in the morning, so why would his former friend call him back at six am?

Kyle entered the tent to find Darren and Nate sitting close to each other. They were both dominants, even though Nate was a Beta and had a sweet, but firm personality. He was also quite a sarcastic wolf and at the time they had been friends, Kyle had truly enjoyed Nate's witty comebacks. Darren was a quiet and smart wolf but he was also very protective of his mate, something Kyle had learned on that particular night, years ago, when he had attempted to ravish Nate. He had come back to his uncle with a black eye and broken nose, only to endure more beating by his uncle, who had been furious to find out that his nephew had not managed to have the upper hand against Darren. Nate and Darren were now happily mated and Kyle could not help feeling a pang of hurt and jealousy by the mere sight of them. He felt that he ought to be with them, which was beyond ridiculous: Darren hated him, while Nate was polite, but kept his distances with Kyle. As usual, Darren spoke to him without sparing him a second glance.

"Morning. You've been summoned because you are to attend the mating ceremony, which will happen tomorrow night, as it is a full moon".

"Pardon me? You mean I will have to stand between those horny eighteen years old teens looking for their mates? I am too old for that. Besides, I haven't even felt the symptoms. I am meant to be alone".

At that, Nate gave him a quick, curious glance. Darren resumed with a bored expression.

"I don't know why you did not experienced the pre-mating signs at 18, like most of us do, but according to the One with the Eye, you are to be mated very soon. You're only 23, after all. You'll find your love one. She's probably going to be a timid and boneless omega you'll enjoy harassing. Anyway, be there tomorrow at eight, alpha's order. You're dismissed now, Beta. Nate, come now, love. Let's go back to bed" he had purred the last part.

They turned their back on him and Kyle left the tent, doing an excellent job at hiding his distress. Why would he have to go through the mating stuff now? Probably because the pills were not as effective as they used to be. He could have asked his uncle, unfortunately, he had killed him years ago, when his uncle was no longer strong enough to physically abuse his nephew. Of course, some had suspected Kyle but they had no proof, as the body was never found. If anything, it made Kyle even more feared among his pairs, which was very convenient.

He started shifting as soon as he got deeper into the forest. His wolf had a deep brown fur, just like every Beta. He should have had a few strays of white in it, because of his submissive nature but, thanks to the suppressants, it never appeared. Delighted with the run, his wolf started howling inside his head. He rarely showed up, maybe because Kyle was so ashamed of him, so full of self-hatred. His wolf suffered a lot from having to hide who he really was, but Kyle would never allow his submissive nature to show off. He was strong, aggressive, and more dominant than most of the dominants. He did not need his wolf's approval, and he certainly did not need a mate. Mates were for the weaks, who could not bear to be on their own because they were fragile and lacked personal ambitions. Kyle was everything but weak, and surely the One with The Eye was mistaken, because there was no way Kyle had a mate somewhere in this living hell some liked to call Earth.  

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