OLD VERSION Chapter 21: I don't hate you

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Warning: our boys are doing the naughty toward the end of the chapter. If you don't like it, you can always close your eyes while reading it (haha, funny me). (it's not that smutty anyway)


There was no way I was going to let Nate win this fight. Time to show my mate my wicked side, I decided, before kneeing him where the Sun doesn't shine. He yelled and instantly let me go, his hands squeezed between his thighs.

"Ouch, was that really necessary?" he whimpered, his eyes tightly shut in pain.

"What?" I asked innocently. "I thought you wanted me to touch you more down there?"

"That was a counterproductive thing to do, Kyle" he retorted after a few minutes of gently massaging his own genitals - yeah, don't try to talk to Nate about decency, he doesn't get the meaning of this word. "You're the only one who have had the pleasure of being impaled on my nice, long tool, so why on Hell would you try to hurt my baby maker?".

His smile broadened when he realised I was now blushing. "You liked it, didn't you? Oh, I knew it! It was one of the best nights in my entire life, to be honest. You and Darren were so hot, I couldn't get enough of your sweet moans and I loved watching my cock disappear in that tight arse of - "

"Shut up, Nate" I interrupted. "Now is not the time to flirt. I'm really pissed at you"

"I know" he replied with a sad tone, his eyes filled with guilt. "I only wanted to help and I thought - "

"It was not your decision to make" I interrupted him once more. "I feel betrayed, Nate, and I don't think I will be able to forgive you that easily"

"You're not going to leave again, aren't you?" he asked with a small, pleading tone, looking absolutely terrified at the prospect.

"No, I am not " I immediately replied, and he looked relieved. It was somehow heartwarming, to see him so afraid of loosing me, but I wasn't finished with him. I wanted him to suffer a bit.

"But don't think I'm staying for you" I added cruelly. "I am waiting for Darren to return because I can't stay away from him".

He stiffened and I felt bad for saying such a nasty thing to him but I wasn't going to back down. Maybe it would teach him a lesson and next time he would think twice before outting me in public.

"I see" he whispered with downcast eyes. "I kind of knew it already, you know. Of course you're here for Darren, the perfect Darren. You're just bearing with me because I am part of the whole package, right, Kyle?"

No no no cried my wolf inside my head. Not true! Don't say such things to mate! Tell mate the truth, tell mate you lo - "

"That's right, Nate" I replied sweetly. "I'm here for Darren and Darren only"

He nodded. "Okay, Kyle. Well, I will try to make myself scare, then. I am sorry you're mated with someone you don't like. Just know that I love you and will always do so".

He left and my wolf started howling.


When I arrived to the camp, two days after my last conversation with Nate, I immediately knew something was wrong. Kyle wasn't in the tent and while Nate looked relieved to see me and immediately answered my kiss, he was not being his usual playful self.

"Nate, honey, what's wrong?"

Silence. He was avoiding to look at me by busying himself.

"The tent is perfectly clean, Nate. Now, tell me, what's going on?"

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