Chapter 24: Emotions in motion (Part I)

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"It's not true that I had nothing on. I had the radio on."― Marilyn Monroe

Third person perspective

Sleeping next to his mates was getting harder and harder, no pun intended. Kyle could not tell just how many times he had woken up in the middle of the night with a ragging hard-on. The first times it had happened, he had felt the utmost panick. How could he be so perverted, getting all riled-up when Nate and Darren were fast asleep, their faces a mixture of relaxation and innocence? 

The first time, he had not done anything, remaining motionless between his mates and patiently waiting for it to pass - it had certainly been the longest hours of his life. The second time, he had gone for a run in the forest. The third time, he had given in to his drives, trying to jerk himself off discretly, only to be caught in the act by a suddenly very alert Nate. 

What had happened then? Well, Kyle had wished the Goddess would make him disappear. His entire body had turned rigid, but as soon as he had opened his mouth to apologize, a pair of warm lips against his own had prevented him to do so. After a few seconds of hesitation, he had started kissing Nate back, shivering at the feeling of Darren's large hands masterfully caressing his body. 

Weak to his mates' ministrations, he hadn't lasted long, dampening the thin sheet beneath them and getting the Alpha's  clever fingers all sticky. Of course, he had not been able to escape the ensuing confrontation, because Darren always had to discuss everything. 'Let's talk about how we feel' seemed to be his new mantra these days.

 His mates had tried to explain to him that he had nothing to be ashamed of, that it was only natural to be aroused around his mates and that he should not hesitate to wake them up if such a thing happened again in the future, for they would be happy to help Kyle relieve his tensions and share an intimate moment with him. 

It goes without saying that it was easier said than done. Words rarely held any performative power, but still, the next times it had happened, Kyle hadn't experienced his habitual fear. He was still embarrassed, but at least, he hadn't tortured himself trying to conjure up images of his dead uncle, in hope to kill his arousal. 

Tonight, it was happening again. Not only was he hard, he was practically leaking in the freaking sheets and nothing had even happened yet

Should he ask for their help? He didn't think they were sleeping - Nate was kind of a night owl. As for Darren, unfortunately, even though the war had ceased he still had a lot on his plate as a pack leader, and had trouble falling asleep. Was it really okay to call their names, though? What if they were getting fed up with his apparently infinite lust? What if they were starting to feel disgusted by him?

No. He didn't want to let his thoughts take him to that road again. His mates had told him countless times that they were so much happier with him around, that he was bright and precious and - and in their eyes he had seen desire. They wanted him, in all senses of the word. He wasn't stupid. He might lack sexual experience, but he could recognize lust where he saw it. 

"Nate. Darren."

He had barely whispered the words, that his mates' eyes flew opened, confirming his intuition that neither of them had been asleep. The two werewolves moved to their sides so that they could look at him. Although he was quite a big wolf  himself - bigger than Nate's average size - when he was laying in the middle of the camp bed between his mates, Kyle sometimes felt  small. 

It wasn't a bad thing, though. He didn't feel small as in insignificant. It wasn't that kind of small. He didn't quite know how to explain it. 

"What is it?" the other Beta asked, leaning over him and frowning his eyebrows in concern. "Is something wrong?"

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