OLD VERSION Chapter 18: A very quiet Sub

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What was Kyle thinking about? I would never say it in his presence, but he was certainly the most disobedient Sub I had ever met. It was probably due to the fact that he still considered himself to be a Dominant. I was one hundred percent in favour of gender fluidity, but what saddens me was that Kyle never intentionally chose to be a Dominant. He was just raised with the idea that being a Sub was a very shameful thing to be, so shameful in fact that he had tried to hide it for most of his life. 

Well, at least that's what I had gathered from his monosyllabics answers. When Nate and I dared asking him about it, his answers would always be short and evasive. I had the feeling that he would only be truly happy once  he finally embraced his true self. He needed to allow his wolf to express his natural instincts. 

Besides, he was wrong when he said that Submissives were at the Bottom of the hierarchy. Well, that would never be the case in my pack anyway. I had made sure years ago to let everyone know that bullying would never be tolerated. That's why a Dominant could very well become a nurse and a Submissive could train to become a warrior. Noura, one of my pack's best warrior was a Submissive and Kyle was another perfect example of how a strong will was the only thing that matters in the end. As for the Alpha/Beta/Omega system? Well, it was true that Omegas were naturally weakers and tended to be quite shy and reserved, but here again, nothing was set in stone. The key was to be comfortable with yourself, and I would never opposed an Omega's request to be one of my warriors, provinding that they trained hard enough. True, that had never happened yet but mentalities were slowly evolving.

As for Kyle, I could feel his need to talk to us about his past. This was something our recent mating allowed me to understand better. The guy really needed to open up. Plus, there was the memory of the attempted rape still looming above us. We might have forgiven him, but Kyle clearly hadn't forgiven himself. 

I did not want to pry, though: I just wanted my mate to be happy. For weeks, he had been far from it, and the consequence was that the three of us were feeling down. But there was one thing Kyle did not know: if I wanted to, as his Alpha and newly mated Dominant, I could have read his most secret thoughts by forcing our mental link open. However, I would only do it as a last resort, if I was fearing for his life for instance. For now, even though he seemed preoccupied and angsty, he had not attempted to hurt himself so I would try to keep my concern for myself, and hope for things to unfold quickly.


"You should train with us". 

Ed, the guy who was currently talking to me, was a skinny wolf with a sandy fur and big and warm brown eyes. I could not believe he was still attempting to have a conversation with me even though, for the last few weeks, I had been even  bossier than usual. In that way, he made me think about Alex. I immediately closed my eyes at the thought. 

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"I am!" I snapped back. "And I am training: I am supervising you guys" 

"That might be true, but training with your team and supervising them are two different things. You need to bond with us more. Beside, you might be twice stronger than most of us, but you still need to exercise. Your wolf will weaken otherwise" he replied calmly. 

"You should not concern yourself with my well-being, and focus on getting stronger. You're a Sub, after all, so you have to train harder than the rest of us".

He tensed at my words, and I shook my head, understanding my mistake

"Not that it is a bad thing to be a Sub. Trust me, I respect you for wanting to be a warrior when you have to train with strong and sometimes agressive Doms. I know how overwhelming it can be, at times".

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