Chapter 13: The Awakening

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"Among my stillness was a pounding heart."
― Shannon A. Thompson 

Third person POV

Kyle had first woken up to blinding pain, which had made him want to go back to his previous oblivious state. 

But then, comforting hands had touched his face, forehead and hair, gently pressing a glass of something against his dry lips. He had drunk the unfamiliar beverage without a second thought, and soon after, the pain had begun to subside.

"Good boy", had whispered someone who, even in his state of grogginess, Kyle had recognized to be Darren. His heart fluttered. It wasn't often that he was being praised.

 "Go back to sleep, now. You're safe."

Even if he had wanted to disobey his mate, he probably wouldn't have been able to. At this exact moment, his physical and emotional fatigue was too great. The real world would just have to wait, because he couldn't deal with it. He had had enough.

That was the first time he had woken up. He woke up a few times after that, but always for a couple of blurry seconds. At first, he had been afraid to regain consciousness, because returning to the real world meant having to face the pain on his own. However, every time he had woken up, he had been relieved to find one of his mate at his side. Most of the time it had been Nate, which made sense, since the Beta was a healer and Darren still had to assume his responsibilities as a pack leader.

"Nate?" he tried, as he woke up for what felt like the hundredth time. This time, however, he was able to keep his eyes open. 

For how long had he been laying on this camp bed?

"Shh. Don't try to talk yet." Nate shushed him, immediately scooting closer.

"How are Darren's injuries?" Kyle still asked.

"Darren is fine. He's almost healed, and already went back to attend his duties."

Nate said the last part in a disapproving tone, which didn't surprise the Beta. After all, he knew his mates enough to know both of them were terribly stubborn. Nate had probably wanted for Darren to rest longer, while the latter had insisted on going back to his pack mates who seemed to need him day and night.

"Please don't go." he pleaded, as Nate made a move to get up.

Shit. He sounded weak, didn't he?

"I won't." Nate replied reassuringly. "I just wanted to bring you something to eat."

"I'm not hungry. Just stay here."

Nate hesitated, apparently not very pleased by Kyle's refusal to have something to eat. He sighed, his expression eventually softening. 

"Alright, Kyle. Don't worry your pretty head. I promise I'm not going anywhere, so go back to sleep now."

"I don't want to." Kyle protested. "I feel I've slept for too long already. M'not used to it."

The other man nodded in understanding, then carefully pulled up the blanket to check on Kyle's injuries at his right leg and left hip. He was bitting his lips, his brows furrowed and his eyes focused on his mate's body. For some reason, Kyle found his caring and professional attitude incredibly sexy. Now was not the time for having such thoughts, though.

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