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2 years later


You can never completely put the past behind you: it's frustrating, I know, but trust me, things slowly get better once you've accepted this sad little truth. For years, I've been haunted by my attack on Nate, when we were both teenagers. I was convinced that I could endure my uncle's beatings and even my complete isolation, if only the memory of the nearly-rape would fade. Because then, I would finally be at peace with myself. There was no way I would forgive myself otherwise, because I felt  nothing but contempt for rapists. So, if I couldn't forgive myself, then I had to forget about it and pretend it never happened. Pretty simple, right?

Of course, reality is a bit more complicated than that. For a time, I did manage to forget about it, through medication and intense training. But I wasn't happy: quite the opposite, really. And when I did realise how unhappy I was, all the bad memories came back and I was permanently on the verge of breaking down. I did actually break down several times, in my mates' arms. They held me tight and listened to me when I needed to talk. 

But I guess I am stronger than I always pictured myself to be. I'm not talking about physical strenght: I'm talking about the courage to be yourself and to open up to others, to let them see your flaws and insecurities, especially to your loved ones. It takes time, of course, I won't bullshit you by pretending it's something quickly done. But I finally got there with my mates: Nate and Darren, they saw everything and they still love me. Sometimes I still find it hard to believe. And of course over time I did realise they weren't as perfect as they seemed to be. But hey, it makes things much more interesting, in my opinion. I love that Nate is such a pervert and that Darren can be a bit controlling, among other things.

"Kyle - KYLE"

"Hmm, yeah?"

"I've been calling you like eight times"

"Yeah, sorry Nate. I was lost in my thoughts"

He laughed. There's nothing as beautiful as his laugh, I swear. Except maybe Darren's laugh. Crap, I'm being sappy again. 

"Yeah, I kinda figured. Happy thoughts, I hope?"

"I don't know, I was just reflecting on how you have to accept your own mistakes and flaws to be able to move on"

"Wow, pretty deep thinking, then"

"Shut up, Nate"

"You're telling me to shut up? Me? Do you want me to spank your bulby Bottom ten times in a row?" he asked with a deep voice, as he tried to look impressive, but I just burst out with laugher. He pouted "Come on, I make a very convincing dom"

"Nice try, love, but my spankings are the ones Kyle enjoyed the must". 

We both turned to see Darren entering the tent, a cocky smile on his lips. 

"That's not true Dar"

"Of course it is. Can't you see how red his cheeks just became?"

"Well, it depends. Which cheeks are you talking about? Because, when it comes to the redness of his ass cheeks, I can't assure you that my spankings are- "

"Okay, guys, stop it now or the rest of the pack will hear you and they will tease me for days, just like last time".

They instantly stopped, though they seemed a little too pleased with the memory. Finally, Darren spoke up: 

"Thank you for mentionning it, it reminds me that Noura and Yanis have invited the three of us to have dinner with them tonight"

"Oh, great! " I exclaimed. "What time?"

"Erm, that would be about now"


We all rushed out of the tent and started racing. Darren won, like usual, followed closely by the very fit and humble warrior that I am. Nate was a bit behind, complaining that he had a light pain in his right foot - because otherwise, he would have obviously win the race. Darren lightly kissed him on the lips and Nate begrudgingly admitted his defeat.

Let's ve clear: everything isn't peachy. Most of the pack have accepted me and I have even made a few friends along the way, but some of them still hold old grudges against me. Can't say I really blame them, but I am too busy with my mates to really think about it. Sometimes, I also get a little depressed, when I think about Alex. What has he become? Sure, he betrayed me but some part of me still wants to understand and struggles to admit that he did try to kill me. He was my friend, and I am sure he regarded me as such, despite what Nate and Darren keep saying. I hope he is alive, and if possible, not too lonely. As for me, I want to apologize to the One Eye: truly, he did not have a twisted sense of humor when he declared us mates. Because I think that despite our differences, Darren, Nate and I are perfect for each other. 

Author's note - please read

So, I only wanted to tell you a few things:

1) Yes, this story is finished but like I said earlier, I will probably - probably being the key word- add one or two "sexy chapters" in the future. I will try to make them both sexy and emotional, because that's what I like and what I feel is needed in the story. But if it isn't your cup of tea, which I understand perfectly, you can considered this story completed. The next chapters won't add anything to the plot.

2) I plan to write other bxb stories. One of them might be about Alex - you know, the one who betrayed Kyle. Seems like I have a soft spot for tormented souls lol. 

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, I want to thank all my readers, who read, voted and commented, but more particularly:

@Visualdiva for the continuous support and helpful comments. Go and check out her stories, they are intelligent, sensual, unique and "different". I promise!

DanGarrett for the very constructive comments. The Canvas Restorer's Commitment is a must read - well, all of his stories really

@snakdrugs and @preciouscolman for the encouraging and numerous comments. Thank youuu

@The100AnimeFan for being there since the beginning! I probably wouldn't have had the confidence to keep writing, if it weren't for people like you. Many thanks Indeed :D

I know they are dozens of other people who continuously voted and commented. You guys are too precious for words.

All the best, 

Until next time,



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