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A/N: Many thanks to for her AMAZING art cover! I'm really moved and grateful! <3 I was getting fed up of seeing the three gray wolves all the time lol

Warning: mention of an attempted rape. Sorry about that guys, this will be the only time it happens, but it plays a big part in the development of the story, so yeah >-<

Kyle looked at his friends, who appear to be in a world of their own. Sure, they were nice to him but somehow, since they had started high school, Nate and Darren's friendship was turning into something more and Kyle had to bear the sight of his best friends whispering sweet nothings to each other in the park or the crowded hallways of the school. They were even doing their eye-fucking in the bedroom, when the three of them were supposed to be playing video games, for God's sake! Knowing his son's quick temper, Kyle's mother had advised him to try to make new friends but Kyle didn't listen. It was Nate, Darren and Kyle, and no one else. It has always been like that.

Three months later, Kyle's mum was killed by a hunter and Kyle was adopted by his uncle, a dark and seemingly emotionless warrior. He started training Kyle to become a warrior and from that point, Kyle would see less and less of his friends. Even when the three of them were together, it was not as it used to be. Kyle had changed. He was resentful, lunatic and sometimes cruel. Kyle could see his friends were slowly giving up on him and he could not bring himself to open up and confide to them.

Of course, they were going to leave him. Who would stay with a teen wolf who had anger issues? Moreover, they were a couple now. Nate and Darren. The sweet nerd and the badass were in love, how sweet. But it's only after that one particular night that Kyle became the most feared and hated kid at school. School was almost over and there had been a big party at Sam's house....

"Kyle? Ease up, man. You're SO wasted. You should go home".

"Where are Nate and Darren?"

"They're upstairs. I think you should leave them alone. Go home, drink some water, sleep tight and tomorrow you'll be ready to rise and shine".

There was sympathy in Luc's voice. He was not blind and he could clearly see the deep hurt in his friend's eyes, even if the later was getting better and better at the whole macho act. Can't be bother by something as trivial as feelings, right?

"What are they doing upstairs?"

"What do you think they are doing? Go home, big boy. Let them be".

But there was no way in hell Kyle was going home like a good boy when the other two were having the time of their lives. Without him. He quickly climbed up the stairs, only to find out Nate stark naked on the bed, his cheeks flushed and seemingly drunk. Darren was nowhere to be seen and Nate looked so appetizing, with his slender frame and shiny eyes.

See, at that time, Nate was the smallest of the three. He was a late bloomer, which was why he always lost in their friendly wrestling competitions.

"What are you doing here, Kyle?"

"Where's Darren?"

"He went to buy some... erhm, that's actually none of your business. Can you please leave? We're kinda busy".

Nate was now blushing furiously and looked far too tempting. What happened after that was very wrong. Of course, deep down Kyle knew he should not have tried to take Nate against his will. But the teen did not know how to express his love. In his head, it was love-making. He did not go very far anyways, but that's beyond the point: Kyle had attempted to rape his best friend and had not Darren be back in time, he would have succeeded.

After that, of course, friendship was out of the question. Kyle started training harder. It was a lonely life: when he was not training, he was either eating or sleeping. It was for the best, though: Kyle's body had started slowly changing through puberty and he could not allow someone to find out about his condition. It was ok to be alone. He was more than fine. 

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