OLD VERSION Chapter 9: Lessons to (un)learn

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 I am going to spank you"

There was no way Kyle could pretend he hadn't heard the words correctly, as they resonated loud and clear in the otherwise silent room. He could feel himself blushing, which surely wasn't the reaction to be expected from a Dominant warrior. He eventually raised his head, to find out that Nate looked equally shocked. Darren, on the other side, hadn't lost his calm composture, as if he had just made the most trivial request.

"I am waiting"

Kyle's heart suddenly started beating faster and he could feel his panic rising, along with a weird yearning to just let it go and do as he was told. Hiding his shaking hands behind his back, he asked with a quivering voice:

"Why should I let you do that? It's not like I am a submissive, or a naughty child. Why would you ask something like that from me? I am sure you don't spank Nate. Besides, I don't want him to watch. This is so humiliating I don't

"Be quiet"

Kyle surprised himself by immediately complying. He could not bring himself to move, though. He should leave the tent right now, but his feet were glued to the ground. Darren was still watching him intently and Kyle had a feeling he knew exactly what was going on Inside his tormented brain.

" Come here. I know what you need, and I am going to give it to you. The confusion stops here. You've been left on your own for too long and you haven't been taking care of yourself. You can't keep on going like that forever, you're going to kill yourself at this rate"

Who would have thought the most feared and hated warrior of the pack would accept to be spanked? Kyle blamed it on the suppressants not working properly. Yup, that was definitely it. The prospect to be spanked did not sound appealing at all. But then , why was his arousal growing, so thick he was pretty sure his mates could smell it.

He slowly began to strip. As a werewolf, he was used to be naked in public but this time was different. It was more intimate, as he felt the heated gazes of his mates on his sculpted body. Kyle knew he had a great body, but nobody in the pack really paid attention to it, as they were too busy avoiding him. When he was a teenager, Kyle had yearned for someone to cherish his body, to hold him close or even to just look at him tenderly. However, as his pulsions had lead him to almost rape his best friend, he had decided that sex wasn't for him and he had been thankful to his uncle for giving him the suppressants. The suppressants had completely killed his sex drive and it was easier this way. Now, Kyle just hoped Alex would find stronger suppressants quickly, as it seems that his libido was slowly wakening...

"Kyle, this is the last time I am asking you to come"

After deciding to keep his boxer on, he quickly made his way toward the king size bed. Then, he reluctantly climbed up on the bed and, as Darren gave him a quick nod of encouragement, he lay down on Darren's laps, his feet resting on Nate's tighs. He hated how much he loved the skin to skin contact with his mates, the sensation of safety and familiarity it gave him. Suddenly, he felt his boxer being slowly removed and then his naked butt was completely exposed. He tried to get up but a strong hand was suddenly on his ass, firmly massaging the plump cheeks. Fùck, he thought. It reminds me of the dream I had last time. It was so wrong, yet it feels so good.

"Wh- what are you doing?"

"Well, I am about to punish you, and also to show you how good it can be to finally let someone else be in charge"

Before Kyle had time to reflect on Darren's strange words, a hand landed harshly on his right cheek and he could not prevent himself from releasing a very unmanly yelp. Knowing Nate was watching and probably enjoying every second of it was so humiliating, but to his utter consternation, he felt himself growing harder at the thought. There was no way Darren wasn't aware of Kyle's hard member poking at his tigh.

Darren slapped his other cheek, evening out the redness on his bubbly bottom. He slapped him again and again and even though it started to really hurt, Kyle was leaking copiously on his mate's tigh - the thought making him want to cry. But somehow, it also felt so right, as if Kyle was suddenly forced to reconnect with his true nature, that he had suppressed for years. He could feel everything: Darren's dry skin on his bottom, Nate's hands gently caressing his feet in soothing motions, the warmth of their legs. He rested his face on Darren's tigh and closed his eyes, not knowing what to do with the myriad of emotions that suddenly assaulted him.

"Da-Darren if you keep going on I'm going to... to...."

Around the forthieth slap, Kyle's body betrayed him and he broke into tears, while simultaneously climaxing all over Darren's tighs. The slaps immediately ceased and Kyle buried his head deep in Darren's laps as he kept sobbing uncontrollably. He felt a hand combing his hair, while another hand was carefully caressing his burning ass cheeks. After a while, Nate shifted closer and he started to slowly trace small circles on Kyle's back. At that, Kyle cried louder until eventually he had no more tears to shed. The tent was quiet for several minutes and Kyle found the reality of what had just happened slowly crashing on him. How could he have agreed to be spanked, and then act like a crybaby. The last time he had cried was the time he almost rapped Nate and his uncle had beated the shit out of him for whining "like a child or a woman", to repeat his very sexist expression. Worst, how could he actually enjoy such a humiliating and degrading thing? Mad at himself, he started to get up, only to find strong arms suddenly caging him. Even though his mates looked a bit turned-on, there was a serious expression on their faces.

" Stop tourmenting yourself already, Kyle". Darren told him sternly.

"Do you feel better?" asked Nate with a small voice.

"I- I guess, yeah.How did you know...?"

"That you needed it? I guess I pretty much acted on instinct. You looked completely lost and I figured what you need to learn is to let it go. You don't have to be a warrior all the time" explained Darren.

Kyle nodded and suddenly the bed dipped as Nate got up , only to climb up back a few minutes later, a lotion in his hands. Comfortably laying in Darren's arms, Kyle was starting to fall asleep but he still jerked at the contact of the cold lotion on his feverish bottom.

"Shhh, let me take care of that poor bottom for you" Nate told him with a wink. Kyle gave him the finger, making Nate laugh. That was the last thing Kyle heard before dozing off: Nate's clear and wonderful laughter. They were at war, he had a problem with his suppressants and he did not doubt that shit was bound to happen at some point. His relationship with his mates was still quite precarious, and apart from the pack's hermit and a four-years old child he only saw once, he did not have any friend. Yet, as he lay between his mates, he felt completely at peace with himself and ready to face every challenge which surely would be thrown on his way.

[2 updates in 3 days (yay!) because I am going to the UK tomorrow to do an internship, so I will probably be quite busy for the next following days... Don't worry, though, I will still do my best to update often, as I can't be separated from Kyle for too long lol. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter. Cheers guys ~.~)

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